[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Damn what a great vc

yeah after that I saw your PoE and I wasn’t in it

I put that I thought it was odd

but yeah, that shouldn’t apply rn

how you know this is beyond me but ill take your word for it

Can I claim miller with miracle rn? :thinking:

Shot and a Miss

Oof I missed.

the ITA part is not something that is inheretly because of their role

my role is what did it.

Again; what’s up with this?

Marshal is dead, and you *****ing out on me instead of pushing me is scummy. If you want to start a fight; end it properly.

Can I claim the miller without miracle then? :thinking:

*Mode is dead



itll have its end

also marshal isn’t dead

and if I had my way, I wouldn’t use my ITA, but I don’t think I can get away like that

if anyone can find the mode flip and quote it so i can add it to op. U would be pretty cool

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i’d accept miller claims

but be wary of anticlaim.

Im not specifically fishing for them but if a miller thinks they are in danger i can’t stop them from claiming

Marshal, if you die N2, I will avenge you.
…btw, what was that about Italy visiting you?

Yo @eevee

You attempted to shoot Evil_Ginger earlier

Would you still shoot that slot now? It is now Arete

wait mode is dead

I skipped 300 posts

did an ITA hit?

Yes Mode was hit.

Yeah arete boinked him

italy has a whole claim but it’s basically neut who aligns with whoever gives him the most money and basically i’ve given him all my money