[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

did my iso get ignored oof

yep going to that now


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im eating rn but im reading it just not typing a ton

This, unfortunately, doesn’t say anything… in response me saying that vader isn’t saying anything.

activity shouldn’t be taken as AI

I argue with you on your points that you did make

Holy shit, that fucking argument makes me want to tear my head out. No. It shouldn’t. I am judging people based on their content. If they lack content, that’s their damn fault.

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I meant Gouta. My reasoning for switching votes is that having a job now explains Vader not being as active perfectly and that was the biggest reason I thought he might not be town. Chloe’s ISO of Gouta only confirms to me that Gouta is wolf. He’s almost openwolfing here with saying that he only thinks that Vader might be the wolf between the two of them while saying that there being a wolf between the two of them is a certainty. Does he not know if he’s a wolf or not?

Chloe I like the post but heres the things I specifically don’t like/have thoughts on

id say gutreads are actually a good look for him, but this is purely off ToS 2

oh I really had nothing to say against it

I…don’t think we should use this argument

I don’t exactly know what you mean by this but im not going to keep pushing it

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If I read it correctly, Gorta has been red checked as scum.
So /vote Gorta

you read incorrectly

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Gorta is suspected, there is no redcheck

marshal was talking about types of cheese

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Great. Now I’m hungry for cheese.

Oh ok. It looked like a red check.

Also, you forgot to ping Dat.

@DatBird VC please.

Oh fuck

I laughed

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You there Chloe?

No she isn’t. She took off in a spaceship right after sending her last post.

Well hopefully not choking after laughing.


What’s game look like