[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Self-resolving claims grind my gears because town relies on them as a crutch and wolves use them to strategize. A town who is all like “SELF-RESOLVING, SELF-RESOLVING” is -EV because they attract people’s attention and distract other villagers. A wolf who’s like “SELF-RESOLVING, SELF-RESOLVING” frequently does it because they have a powerful, usually time-gated (as in, needs to stay alive for some time) PR and they want to keep themselves alive.

TL;DR I don’t like self-resolving claims, not just because Alice made it a meme. And I will always tinfoil them as potential wolves who try to self-preserve.

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Look what happened when Seth won the Arena. It took 2 ITAs to kill him.

Your point being?

There is no good reason not to participate in the Arena if you’re town at this stage of the game.

Save money for skills is a good reason.

All it will do is empty my money.
*checks items in shop*
…on second thought, I don’t have any money for anything in the shop, so I’ll do it.

…when does the arena open?

As soon as N2 begins. There is a deadline of 12 hours before SoD for arena entry.

@Leafia has been writing for 20+ minutes. I bet that they’ll either write a non-hidden wallpost, or just some useless post in general.

It’s probably an ISO or “catching up wallpost”.

Same story goes for @TheBlueElixir, but he has been writing less than Leafia.

EoD is 2+ hours away now if I’m counting correctly.

Sometimes before it.
Hosts may open Arena a bit early when they’re around since there’s not too long left in the day.

It’s currently 2:59 PM here

I’m an idiot. Quoted the wrong message

I have to go to bed soon. Good night everyone.

Have a good day/night.

Yep. 2 hours and ~45 minutes.
…what about it?

Here we go.
It’s now 3PM.
So 2hrs 45 mins.

I wouldn’t mind if Derps were the lynch target for today, though i don’t think this is likely to happen.

You would very much so mind actually