[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Like, seriously. Don’t claim self-resolving as town and rely on it as something that clears you. Try to clear yourself by posting normally, as if you were a VT. It works better every time, doesn’t distract the village, helps solve the game and isn’t a dumbass meme.

I sound like Alice rn, but I think it’s all true.

Wdym you wouldn’t mind if Derps is Today’s lynch? The current wagons are Gorta or Darth.

Shouldn’t you be saying that you want a Derps lynch?

Ok so @eevee your lynch is “disgusting”

can you answer me this?

You claimed that your ability targets 3 people, and it says that it targets 3 people in the letter. However, you are claiming to self-target, which… doesn’t make sense. Why would you ever self target here. You know you cannot get money from yourself.

So either there is a 3rd person who’s not mentioned or you self targeted with an ability that you claim needs to target other people for your wincon

Currently 40+ minutes.

I don’t like Derps slot as I’ve mentioned before. Gorta and Vader’s wagons I feel a little uneasy about those wagons.

It doesn’t change the fact that your wording is off. For example:

“I wouldn’t mind a TBE lynch Today, even though I don’t think it will happen.”


“I want TBE to be Today’s lynch.”

Which sounds more “beating the bush” and which sounds more direct?

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1st sentence is more beating the bush and 2nd is direct.

I wouldn’t mind a marshal Lynch

@Aelin where you at

/Vote marshal

chloe claims a 100% greencheck on me

logically you always lynch her before me because if she’s town i’m always town and if she’s scum I can still be town

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Do you see what I mean now? If you want Derps dead, then just tell us that you want him dead.

Like, what kind of town are you, to have the need to talk so indirectly?

(I know you’re town, but I don’t like your wording.)

If you’re LW who self-tailors and she’s a neighborizer, like I suspect, then lmao. Possibly the only way she could add a wolf to her chat if she’s town and has the common condition of dying if she would add a wolf.

First of all I didn’t say that my lynch disgusting, but that reasoning is disgusting.

Like you say that I should die cause Derps and Light confirm me.

It’s like I would push you becouse Chloe confirms you?
How would you feel if on day 2 I would push your lynch becouse someone confirms you?
Is it a good time to do this to begin with?

Then why do you do it today with that reasoning?
It’s literally disgusting. Yes, your reasoning here is purely disgusting.

100% means bypassing tailors and shit

I think Derps should be the lynch/ITA target tomorrow. Anyway time to go to bed.

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@Marshal, I forgot if you’ve answered this, but why aren’t you voting for TBE to gain back your money?

No, becouse you are clearly wolf, cause Chloe confirms you.


That’s what your reasoning was, so don’t be a hypocrite using different messure on self and others.

I have a greencheck on you too I just don’t care about that

I agree

Whoever gets lynched today, always shoot or ITA the counterwagon. I still prefer Vader over Gorta because I feel like Vader went into antispew while gorta didn’t, even though I think it’s possible for both to be wolves.

Oh you just be quiet.