[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!


Right at the beginning so NAI if you ask me.

Second post here. Him asking why people are shooting at Mode shows that he might’ve wanted Mode to live longer to possibly figure out a way to make Mode look a bit more townie, so I give this a slight scumlean. He’s also asking why people arte getting mad at ITAs, which indicates that he likely wants them wasted. That’s what I gather from it anyway.

Here’s a vote on Centuries. Considering what was going on, this was understandable.

Here he tries Shooting Centuries, which he had his vote on. I’m a bit puzzled by this, because why would you try shooting someone you planned to lynch?

Here he flat out says that he wasn’t going to put effort towards helping town win. A large scumtell.

Him challenging Arete to a fight. NAI.

This just seems weird to me since ITAs are also a mechanic to kill more than one scum in a day.

Here he’s starting to threaten people for no reason and where I started looking hard at him.

His responses here just seem weird to me and I was seriously wondering if he was even sane or possibly a jesterlike neutral role that needas to get lynched to win. Otherwise, why else would he act like this?

Flatout claims that he’ll kill Vulgard N3. No villager killing role in their right mind would do that.

Here he starts looking at least a bit better in my eyes. At least he isn’t threatening people.

I hate his tone right here. If he’s townie, he’s definitely not acting in town’s best interests and doesn’t care if town wins or loses.

Here he admits being able to fake his townplay easily, which is how I think he’;s fooled so many people for so long into believing that he’s town. By doing just that. Faking his townplay.

What town in their right mind actively tells someone to shoot them?

He obviously wants to look scummy for some reason here.

He claims here. That’s definitely antitown here.

He wants people to be angry, probably so they can’t make accurate reads, and claims something completely different here. This is when he became locked scum to me because town wouldn’t act like this.

Here he’s raging which is NAI. I can’t tell whether his anger is deliberate or just an act.

Even more raging. It was starting to feel like an act to me about here, like he had a secret agenda that he wasn’t telling anyone.

A third claim here. I was trusting him less and less with every second here.

He opemnwolfed here. I wish one of the shots fired at him had hit him.

He sounds like he wants to die here, although maybe his agenda involves his death somehow. He hasn’t shpown any indication at all that he’s townie by this point.

Quotes himself here but NAI.

He’s actively trying to stop all doiscussion not involving himself here. If this isn’t a wolfy move, I don’t know what is.

Tells me to shoot him here. If I still had a shpot left, I would’ve. I kind of wish I hadn’t shot it at Cheese now.

He seems to think insulting people is the way to go here.

More attention mongering. Something that might honestly be TWTBAW, but I can’t think of any reason why a townie would act the way that he’s acting here.

I honestly don’t know what his deal is here.

[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:6906, topic:81726, full:true”]

He gets a bit of towncred here.

More threats.

That analysis of me sounded like sarcasm to me.

The more I go over these, the more I think he might’ve just been enraged and being sarcastic the entire time.

[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:6947, topic:81726, full:true”]

I’m starting to see why people were townreading him now. Hmmmm…

More banter from Zone that I’m not sure what to think about any more.

This smacks of sarcasm honestly because even at this point, I doubt even he’d be dumb enough to think that him and I were scumbuddies but I did get a bit on edge whemn he said that due to worrying a bit that people might think that.

No idea why he said that to be honest. Even as a wolf, it would be a moronic thing to say.

[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:6986, topic:81726, full:true”]

Alright! One town pocketed! 10 more to go…

Would you believe me if I said I have it?

[quote=“Italy, post:6973, topic:81726”]

Nay; it has a probability of activating.

But this nerd does… Should I shoot you D3 so you can fire back?

I don’t like his tone here honestly, and he has been irking me the entire game.

Seems a bit more investigative to me, but him saying he’s an openwolfer prevents it from feeling townminded.

I wish he had a better explaination than that to Arete’s question.

I don’t like how he voted Hippo without explaining himself here.

He finally starts doing actual reads here. Slight townlean tone too.

It’s almost like he’s a different person here which really confused me. I didn’t know what to think when people started townreading him.

A fair question.

I don’t like how he shades me for no good reason here.

I started liking his tone a bit more at this point and started entertaining thoughts that he might be town here.

This reeks of wolfiness.

Another wolfy post by Zone.

NAI but I was happy to see this post.

[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:7263, topic:81726, full:true”]

Not even recognizing my existence, huh?

Seems like he’s posting just to post here and not giving out any info.

[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:7268, topic:81726, full:true”]

Here he insults someone without saying much else of importance.

Combatitive as always.

[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:7305, topic:81726, full:true”]

He sounds like a normal human here.

[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:7321, topic:81726, full:true”]

…humu. Very well…
I suppose?

I’m actually starting to understand his strategy here I think as well as why he was acting that way earlier, to see who reacts to him, thinking they’re likely scum. Ingenious. I like that way of thinking.

I’m starting to understand Zone’s way of thinking I think.

He wants people to read him for himself, which is a townlean in my eyes.

He certainly wants a shot made here. His pushiness feels a bit scummy to me.

He really wants TBE dead here.

You’re not the only one that can’t believe it Zone.

He continues his combative tone here which I don’t like.

His questioning that strikes me as shade putting and wolfy behavior.

Here he shows no care for his own life yet again. I don’t like that at all.

I never heard that second part, but it certainly is food for thought.

This irks me as it hints at having TMI about the amount of wolves in the game since he sounded certain of it. Even if it’s very likely that he’s right.

I actually agree with Zone about this. +townpoints.

Startas off townie sounding but ends very wolfie sounding.

[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:8355, topic:81726, full:true”]

He shows a bit more of a townlike mindset here.

Not the best explaination for the Centuries shot, but it’s one that I can accept.

Acting town here too. I like his tone.

He asked here about something that he had already been told about earlier.

Sounds like a townie trying to figure something out here.

Yet another claim from him, but I don’t think he was serious.

A townie sounding post.

It’s possible they would.

Again admitting to not caring about the game.

Here hne thinks some shield can save him.

Here he goes back into his antitown meta.

More taunting. I think I’ll skip past all the other taunting posts.

Here he shows some reasoning towards things.

Here’s his vote for me for no reason.

He obviously has no desire to take the game seriously from this.

Here he shows thoughtful progressive reasoning that I like.

[quote=“Zone_Q11, post:8815, topic:81726, full:true”]

I have no idea what he’s getting at here.

That’s not all his posts, but I think it’s enough to paint a very good picture of why I think Zone needs to be the D2 lynch. Even if he’s town, which I highly doubt, if he’s allowed to live, he’ll continue with this attitude and just try shooting whoever he wants, possibly important townies. I think he’;s the greatest threat alive roight now. /vote Zone @CatBird

you are also claiming a non-town
and you really don’t seem to be following an agenda that someone with your claimed wincon would have.
at basically no point today have you actually focused on your claimed win-condition.

You are PoE
we know you don’t flip town (and we can use your own logic for that)
your flips solves a lot.

As for your argument about how me being greenchecked is the same as them saying you were targetted by ability. It’s not.

Her thing confirms me as 100% town.
Their thing confirms that you have an ability, one that doesn’t even come from town.

lynching cop claim before greencheck is logical.

Lynching people who confirm a neutral’s ability over a neutral is not logical

I swear you just posted the bee movie script but longer.
I’m going to read through it eventually.


Marshal you know Eevee plays like this more as town but you’re scum so ig you don’t care

Hooray! I am correct, and it IS a worthless ISO!

As for this, I don’t care enough about money to push for a lynch on someone who has a lot of money over who I think is the optimal lynch.

even if I got tbe lynched i’d only get a fraction of the cash.

by his own logic he can’t be town

Yes because Eevee has never claimed neut as town

Either way idgaf about a neut existing atm

One which can’t come from scum either.

Besides, your point was that we are alla scum lying about my ability.
Now you suddenly believe in this, becouse it fits your worldview.

Stop being a hypocrite.

Okay, I flip neutral, who is scum due to it?

Try to do preflip association, go ahead.

I think this is pretty pure. The thing I don’t like is that Leafia seems to be pushing this as a counterwagon, but I can see why.

Marshal is either wasting time on Eevee if town or doing it on purpose if scum.

it’s the abilities.
what town gives someone the option to have framer? It makes no sense at all.

that’s his own logic right there. He isn’t town

uh no.

I’m saying that if you 3 are full of shit, you are not town
if you are neutral, you are not town.
And logically you can’t be town.

meanwhile these other lynches are probably more likely than not to hit a town

No, my logic was EXACTLY OPPOSITE.

You are the one who put me on ignore and now you can’t even udnerstand my reasoning.









When’s the EOD?

I don’t know what it is


I get that you did research and all

but like, your telling to wolves to go look up my flavor claim


why L-1 that early?

you’ve seem double voters

how about double slot(ers)


seems preformative

…I see

I knew that because that was cheese/EVO’s flavor roles

but no way before then

I don’t know how analysis is -EV but alright

it was never as active as d1 with marshal/alice


still don’t get it

oh nvm

do you think you’ll die?

that’s what they told me in ToS 2 and look how that turned out

will I have to ITA another

don’t sit on it

We are rarely in thread at the same time. The one time we were, you were after Cent. Not exactly sure where your referring to though. tbh ill probably sheep arete/vul’s/other vets reads because if you are that easy of a meta read itll be clear when they say it

Cent/EVO and Cheese all didn’t like the towncore or wanted to pressure it

they all flipped V

and yes, I predicted Cent’s flip, though I did have doubts that he was town by the end


I read this 3 times without the not but something felt wrong

if your town or scum this is against your wincon, so don’t

and if they flip town from todays lynch

your going to re-eval

who’s next

yeah im not reading that rn

it wasn’t a hero shot

it was borderline that could be justified with a lot of backing up that I still didn’t like

I know some people would rather towncore do it but

ive got money and I don’t want scum to kill me and pick it up

what do people think of eevee visiting me?

nor is that

oh wait they actually spend a while talking about it nvm


that’s the short answer

…yep of course that’s a gamer thing

heals cant be that scare though

I read this as Elixir

what about his uber strong meta though?

I doubt itll hit :upside_down_face:

please name who you consider PoE (you did that nvm)

that’s what EVO said, and so did cheese, and cent had a different-then-most towncore if Iremember correctly

your literally the fourth nail in the coffin if your town

hmm…so you like these wagons?

you said youd reval if the PoE flips town

a lot of the PoE flipped town

and quite frankly I don’t think its even possible for all the wolves to be in there

and I disagree on the Kyo/Darth, and of course myself


His amunt of dominance actually kinda diminished. Have you noticed something different?

there doesn’t have to be a wolf between the two of you

I stand by both my words(unless stated otherwise) and my actions

I don’t like guns

I don’t want to be in lylo

quite frankly I want to find wolves but I don’t want to have a lot of power

see how I used my gun in ToS 2 if you want to meta it

yeah no that was her holding out hope she didn’t die 90% of the time


zone shouldn’t have a shot anyway

have I really been writing for that long that was 36 m ago

I don’t want to write this for an hour so im not

in about an hour anad a half

I meant to hide it

  1. WTF is this logic?
  2. People were mad from shooting early, or something. How the f*** is asking about it alignment indicative?

I didn’t plan to lynch him; I planned to KILL him.
He ignored my warning, and taunted me.

Anti-town meta #1.

Currently we have 1 cheese and 1 Centuries dead vs 1 ModeShifter dead. If ITA isn’t a way for town killing towns faster than planned; I don’t know what it is.

Anti-town meta #2.

Anti-town meta #3.

Yep. Anti-town meta #4.

Do you even know how often I cried in that game’s scumchat!? Do you think I ENJOY playing scum with my townmeta!?

Marshal about Italy:

Marshal about me:


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