[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

you know if i looked up chulainn i find the 2nd gen



imagine being a sword user

heck, imagine outing your weapon

Imagine outing your flavor. It’s so fucking pointless. /unvoting because Leafia is on the wagon, but holy shit, PKR, that was a shit move.


It’s like the least info but enough that some people should know who I am.
Especially since a certain f’ing someone made me out one of my things earlier.

I was on L-3
I don’t go down without a fight and this way I test the claimvig.
Sometimes ballsy moves have to be made.

there is no claimvig

also L-3 is 0 jusiification

You were saying something?

the anti claim isn’t a claimvig

too many people would be dead

its something else, and quite frankly its probably stronger

Then I’ve thrown the line out now.
I just hope it doesn’t backfire too badly.
But I felt forced to here tbh.

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VC please. @DatBird I voted for PKR too.

You’re on L-3???

I was, yes.

fair enough

but im gonna be the main wagon probably

and you can watch and learn :wink:

Show me how it’s done oh wise one lmao.

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It should now be like 3 - 1 - 1 - 0 on everyone else I think.
3 on me.

Yes, a counter wagon is needed I think.

I agree. /vote Leafia @DatBird

The counterwagon is never me. TBE is the best counterwagon I think. Or maybe Derps.


Voted Votee Votes
PokemonKidRyan Vulgard, Hippoyeetus, Leafia 3/7
SirDerpsALot Zone_Q11 1/7
Leafia oB_l1ght 1/7
Not Voting SirDerpsALot, CRichard564, eevee, PokemonKidRyan, Apprentice, Icibalus, Chloe, TheBlueElixir 8

Day 3 ITA List

Shot Shooted Hit or Miss
Zone TheBlueElixir Miss
Vulgard Darth Hit
Leafia The BlueElixir Miss
SirDerpsALot PokemonKidRyan Miss
PokemonKidRyan SirDerpsALot Miss
Icibalus KyoDaz Miss
Eevee KyoDaz Hit
Hippo TheBlueElixir Miss
oB_L1ght PokemonKidRyan Miss
Chloe TheBlueElixir Miss
Eevee Vulgard Miss
Havent Shot CRichard564, Apprentice, TheBlueElixir 3

@ me for itas and votes

2 ITA deaths left for the day