[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

counter wagon is usually me. Im the worst counter wagon I think. Or maybe PKR.

PKR is the main wagon. You can’t be both the wagon and counterwagon.

So you’re defending PKR now Light when he’s so clearly scum. Which is it Light? Am I scum or is PKR scum?

Im thinking neither

i don’t like that im clearing him on flavor claim

and im yet to actually look up the flavor claim

but flavor claim is probably legit, especially if its a main character

Quite the attack there, Leafia. It’s possible you’re both scum. It’s (very slightly) possible neither of you are scum. But when we’re 8 hours into the day and someone’s at 4/7, I’m not digging it.

im defending PKR yeah

Then why vote me if you think it’s possible I’m not scum. If we lynch PKR and he turns out to be scum, it’ll prove both mason pairings are legit. If we were both scum, I wouldn’t have done that ISO on him, now would I? And even if I did, I’d be trying to protect him.

I’m talking to Light TBE.

It wouldn’t prove anything, and this could easily be bussing.

ngl I don’t know about L1ght

posts ive seen felt natural

but don’t have a solid V or W on him

Also, show me where I defended him.

This late in the game Light? Even if you thought it was bussing, you’d want to lynch PKR if you thought it was evil. You’re defending PKR by wanting to lynch me when I want to lynch PKR. Unless you think PKR is town, you’ll want to lynch him over me.

Leafia’s wall post is making me think that PKR/Leafia probably aren’t the same alignment at this point.

Od’s Gladiator, Sword Ground Unit, AotTC (Shortening the faction name, but yeah)
Idk whether he’s a major character but my 2nd gen one is more of one I think.

Leafia, the way I see it, this bus would make logical sense for scum, assuming you were scum, because it would be sacrificing one scum to “confirm” the other two-three (if you count Ici), and would place doubt on Derps’ and I’s Mason.

Thanks for saying you believe my mason.

Hmmm, honestly, that actually makes a lot of sense Light and you’re welcome. Right now, I’m choosing to believe both mason pairings are legit. Especially after ISOing PKR. I blindly trusted him without looking at what he was saying and I honestly don’t blame you for viewing me as scum as a result. I tend to have that problem at times. I’ll blindly put my trust in people without looking into what they’re saying just because some of it sounds good. I need to get better about that.

You’re welcome too Light.


you choose main wagon and CW

who would it be

besides PKR

yes i expect and can include myself

Main Wagon, PKR. Counterwagon…hmmmmmmmm, probably you TBE. I don’t think you’ll gain much traction but you’re the most likely one for people to accept as a counter wagon. Don’t worry. I’m prewtty sure we can get PKR lynched instead of you.