[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!


its sus if i keep my ITA, no?

thinking of blasting CRich for a lack of an alternative

if it came down to me or PKR i might consider a self vote :upside_down_face:

That’s funny TBE. You are one of my targets for today. Anyway I visited Vulgard last night.

im one of everyone’s targets

but i shoot back which makes it almost fun

why does who you visited matter here?

Yet he’s still alive, so make what you will from that.

Vulgard claimed he was bled yesterday and I visited him.

  1. not confirmed, trust it as much as i trust you
  2. only 1 scoom gotta preform the factional shank

oh dang I get it now

now i feel dumb

well i gotta ITA someone, and someone is miscleared when everyone is cleared

Maybe i leave it to RNG

nah ima review the OP

I get that my outed visit isn’t the most trusted thing in the world right now. Yet in what world would outing my visit make sense if I were starting scum?

TBE are you going to answer my question?


we have probably 4 scum and a noot claim, despite that I cant confidently SR anyone, so I think we have a mech misclear, which points to the masons, and im not sure which mason part i like less. Maybe only half a masonry could be town too, which would really through me over.

lemme write why each individual i don’t want shot

SDA - Masonry
CRIch - :wink:
Vul - loads of content
eevee - noot claim
Hippo - meta + mindmelds
oB - masonry, posts felt natural
PKR - claim
app - content + masonry
ici - meta
zone - meta+greencheck
chloe - loads of content + claim
leafia - masonry

so these are all at the very surface - trying to explain each with 1-3 words. Now i have to decide what seems the worst. id say…leafia/SDA are the weakest, but i cant push it, can I? I think ici/hippo are also weak, but arrg. Why is it difficult? I feel like at this point everyone should be PoE but a few. There is nobody I can specifically say i want dead.

Chloe should never use her abil on me after I die. I suggest marshal.

If I have to ITA someone, which I do, think i might hand it to a mason that I don’t trust or yolo the noot


and you don’t get an ITA

that should be an answer of itself

Ok that’s good.

Are we just going to ignore the fact that a meteor fucking hit Arete?

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I don’t get your conclusion

i got stronger after that

she was a mere sacrifice

Imo just keep the ITA for a bit, and we can discuss at EoD who to use it on.

its been stated reasonably that I shouldn’t keep my ITA

maybe itll make someone feel safer

but i have ti for now

No lets talk about that.

Fine then just yeet it at Leafia, very simple.

Hell, yeet it at PKR. I’m fairly confident one of the two is scum.