[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

okay so Chloe is a villager now that they’re actually comfortable in thread
this is a good post

Seth is probably wolf because he’s playing like a stereotypical “helpful villager” rather than playing like Seth, and it feels like he’s going for a deliberate attempt to appease our meta.

Look at the tone of this post. If I expunged the name, it would be hard to tell that it’s a Seth post. You might even be convinced it’s something that I would post, and me and Seth are not the same at all.

Look at the tone, though. I realise we can’t expect Seth to be like “i’m obv village and have all the wolves on lock” all the time, because that’s ludicrous, but if you think about the specific way he’s breaking tone and usual Seth anticss here, it seems incredibly out of character for him. He’s acquiescing to being voted.

But think about the way he’s doing it. In the previous few posts, he tried to defend voting an obviously village LHF, but when accused by Alice he’s like “this is fine.” And I don’t think that indicates a consistent mindset- he clearly hasn’t been magically convinced he’s voting obvious village, but when he’s asked by Alice in particular, he pulls out this weird, “w!Ici cannot be bothered to go ride or die on things like v!Ici does” kind of post.

If you look at the next post, which clearly indicates that he doesn’t think Alice is a wolf- he thinks she’s misguided. So the perspective from which this kind of “oh what the hell” kind of post comes from a villager, being voted by somebody you think to be a wolf, makes no sense. He’s a wolf.

PS: also, the way he acts around Alice is pretty fucking TMI-y

PPS: Oh, also, I realise that I’m normally paranoid about voting large wagons, but wagon formation indicates pretty squarely that this isn’t wolves jumping on a mislynch.

tl;dr: i don’t like seth playing to the crowd with his whole “helpful but put-upon villager” act and i microread a post that shows he doesn’t have a consistent perspective he’s tackling the game from, so he’s probably a wolf

/vote Modeshifter



Voted Votee Votes
ModeShifer Evil_Ginger, Vulgard, Hippoyeetus, Chloe, Icibalus 5/13
CRichard564 ModeShifter 1/13
ClonedCheese Alice, an_gorta_pratai 2/13
Leafia SirDerpsAlot, Sulit 2/13
EVO Marshal 1/13
Not Voting PokemonKidRyan, KyoDaz, oB_L1ght, Darth_Vader, Italy, 意大利, Apprentice, EVO, TheBlueElixir, Centuries, CRichard564, ClonedCheese, Leafia 13

Ping me if there are any mistakes.

conclave of brobama are villagers
the nobaman empire are the wolves

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Centuries - Centuries has made really mild reads but has made a couple of decent questions. I want to see more content from them, but they’re not particularly scummy thus far, just a bit too in the background.

Mode - Seth has continued to be quiet, his tone keeps changing a bit which makes me unsure of it, however, I feel like he just keeps being like “Guys, I’m town, please listen” which comes off as a desperate villager who’s a bit lost in a big setup. He’s the one I’m the least certain of that’s on this rating atm. I’d like him to speak more, give solid reads and just try instead of being like ‘I’m good. Listen to me’

Sulit - I think scum sulit would be trying more than they have been. The fact that I have seen a non-serious tone for so long in his ISO just tells me that Sulit feels safe and he has nothing to worry about. I could be wrong about that but it’s been too calm to be scum.

Chloe - I think this goes for myself and everyone when I say that Chloe’s start was fairly abhorrent, which is why I targeted her with my ability due to having to pick someone anyway. She picked things up from there and took things in her own stride. I’m tentative to call her town due to the shift, but I like how things are going. I look forward to seeing more from her.

Evil_Ginger - Had some fair points earlier on such as post #501. Evil was quite non-serious earlier on as I know and I don’t think that Scum!Evil has that type of entrance which is uncaring. I like some of their posts, but others seem like they don’t care. Need a bit more actual content from this slot. Thing which erks me most is Evil’s refusal to cooperate when I was asking for high scum targets (E.g. for ToL Trial or for shooting). I’m only keeping them here because there’s already a fair few slots lower than them.

Darth - Darth is someone that I have had the pleasure to play with for quite some time so I think I can read them well. They tried to blend in a bit and make some reads but it’s nothing outside of his town meta from what I remember. I’m going to double check this, but due to it being town AI for Darth iirc, I’d be happy to say Darth is town. I want them to do more things on their own back though instead of trying to just get by.

TBE - TheBlueElixir has been doing fine, asserting some pressure but also being fairly jokey at certain points. They come across as genuine but uncaring, a similar thing to Evil but I think that in general, TBE has been more townie than Evil.

CRich - Biggest problem with this slot is that they’re saying “(X) has acted like (Y)” instead of analysing things which have gone on this game, which makes me think they might have possibly ignored the whole Chloe thing on purpose. They ask some questions, make some shallow reads. I’d like for them to actually read more of the thread instead of just (for example) them comparing me to the ToS game but I can see they’re at least trying to contribute like this.

Here’s my 6’s.

so update: it appears yidali’s existence has activated a cursed translation module, so now if I see anything that happens to be a word in different language, it’ll be translated into english

i’m going to disable this soon enough but for now the joke is not old so

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you call them yidali?

i just say chinese italy

it’s what the name is in roman characters and it souns like a plausible name for an FM player
although thanks the the translation module I now have activated on this site, it translates to Italy automatically, so on my end there are two Italies

i’ll get him to use my pfp so you get even more confused

also your usertitle translates to Italy, so your profile looks like this to me:


i know it does

it’s literally italian for italy if i remember correctly

yes, i gathered that
but that means that if you wrote 意大利 it would be user Italy, with subtitle italy, with an italian flag, posting the word italy

this is only on my end
but for one day and one day only you can fuck with me using translatable words

it’s the italian hat trick

PKR you have to realise that when I woke up that there were 1500+ posts for me to read while I was sleeping. Chloe’s trial happened while I slept. That’s why my reads were done without Chloe’s trial.

It’s fair! But it’s just why you’re a 6 and not higher.
I’d like to hear your take on the trial when you can :slight_smile:

Yay vader yay

So we start off with an actual good opening, this part bugs me off because it’s putting a lot of trust into others

Big agree

That’s actually an interesting meta point

I don’t really like that post because it feels like he’s forcing a “there’s no way a player could not be scumread by anyone” but it’s too early for him to say that, I still think it comes from a townie POV but its weird

also we should note that Ici ModeShifter and OBLight (idk how I’m supposed to call him) called out this post for being dumb/called Alice villager

This is the post that starts out a lot of fluff thus kind of wasting time

[x] Doubt (perhaps)

Okay cool

LOL @SirDerpsAlot

I think it’s weak reasoning to vote Alice but then I’m the one saying that so lulw

This probably becomes more important down the line

That’s the goal of Alice’s post but yeah

Probably not the correct person to do that onto

This also exists

Definetly makes him sound like more of a VI than an actual wolf which is good

So basically I think he’s probably Villager and that if he’s scum he has so many posts that are just out there that it probably gives us a lot of information