[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I haven’t been phrasing it well, but he’s been defending himself almost manically, and seems obsessed with self-preservation far beyond a reasonable villager’s range.

I feel like I’ve seen this before… yeah, I’m not even surprised.

@ Ici I shot cloned. No shots left. My role isn’t very good in regular ITAs. By contrast, TBE’s seems amazing.

Bro if i knew it was true why wld I just tell town how mafia factionals work lol

Wolf neighborizers can exist.
You don’t get a free pass just because you’re a neighborizer, goddammit.

Ici, between gorta and Vader, who would you wagon? I don’t really have a coherent case against either of them just yet, but I think I’m ready for another dunk after ModeShifter.

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I would wagon Centuries, but I’m biased.

Actual answer: Vader is probably the more likely lynch to hit w, Gorta lynch provides far more information regardless of allignment, though.

Trust me when I say I’m 99% sure that Centuries is w, and it’s not just gut.

Lol I’ve been going through defending myself to Italy and hes just dead

Ah this makes sense, soz ici

Yeah Italy was shot and that’s that even though he was outed neutral.

This is a fake red peek, it’s a reaction test @Hippolytus
that’s not why I read him w

Wow what a rollercoaster

His reaction is Questionable™, most notably in how he seems almost reluctant to refer to Marshal throughout his reaction to it- like he’s calling his

He’s calling Marshal w, but he can’t bring himself to say his name- it’s a bit weird how he twists his language like that, to avoid referring to Marshal directly. It’s an extremely weird reaction to the red peek- to solely speak to your accuser, and not to even mention his name to anybody else.

U had special info to do with you using ur ita right? That’s why u didnt ita mode.

His reaction feels twisted, and that’s just one example of it. It feels like his language is simultaneously vague and overdescriptive at the same time- he calls himself “not not a townie”, which is… very strange. There are loads of examples of this, so many that can’t be chalked up to him not being a native English speaker.

I don’t think it’s very conclusive but it’s not a Good reaction to the RT.

There’s just a lot of that in Centuries- he has a lot of inconsitencies and weirdnesses that I don’t think can be chalked up to eccentricity.

The second time really doesn’t count and I hate that you keep trying to emphasize it was twice.

God dammit, this all makes sense in my head, but I’m having trouble phrasing this, and I’m sure Centuries is going to fucking call me an idiot for not being very good at phrasing things sometimes.

Tbh I’m starting to get towncore paranoia cuz I trust leaf app claim and tr centuries and light.

After Vader and zone and derps die I have no idea who I’d want to see dead.