Hey everyone,
For those who are unaware, DatBird and I are working on designing a Fire Emblem 4/5 Mash. We’re aiming for around 35 or so players and the setup won’t be 100% closed but our aim is to make it as closed as possible while also being decisively not bastard.
If it wasn’t already entirely obvious, this game will spoil the entirety of Fire Emblem 4 and 5, just as a warning.
The game will take place across three phases; the first phase is Fire Emblem 4 Generation 1, the second phase is Fire Emblem 5, and the third phase is Fire Emblem 4 Generation 2. It is yet to determine what will trigger change of phases and if the conditions that lead to a phase change will be revealed, but what we do know is that when the phases change, for those alive, your alignment will stay the same, but you will get a new classcard and your class type and some or all of your abilities could be entirely different. We will ensure that the game ends in the third phase though as this is going to be a very lore loyal game (in which the conflict doesn’t end until the end of FE4).
Even though DatBird and I would like around 35 players, we’re unsure if we’ll be able to get that many. If we’re not going to get that many, we’ll need to plan for a game with less.
This game should be completed in design phase by Christmas and set to run by late January or early February. If you’re interested in playing and will be free around that time to start, please notify us as such in a reply in this thread.
Max and Dat