[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

Uh… Wait for others (PKR and Italy) just in case?
I don’t know whether it matters whether you claim or not at this point.

I had two uses of submitting a word/Phrase to the GM and they do what they think the intention I and do it both have been used each night.

(Friend sent me a JoJo video and since I know very little of jojo’s i sent the in. This I imagine killed someone can’t confirm that why I said yesterday I think i killed someone.)

N2 Transparent
(Hoped this would save someone was either this or Murder to kill someone but I don’t get to target so)

I have the Claim vig due to my passive.
Everyone says am lock mafia so I might as well say everything now since my last will is gone.

I can’t let any info be wasted I played in a way i either do first or last Not in-between.

Ah. Okay. Welp. You know what my abilities are, so in case you want to suspect me; it’s outed information.

Based off yesterday I trust you more then most here due to actually sitting off wagon and willing to push out of it since they weren’t w/w that’s why I sat off it to see reactions as you might know I play differently then most we have played on MU once or twice.

I am doing my best to not be mislynched like I very common for me. I shall keep fighting and attempt to Roleblock mafia tonight. That all i got left.

Nor is it me, as I claimed so instantly.
If I had the arrow I’d have used it last night.
My arrow ability could honestly make a huge difference

/ITA Icibalus


This would be valid if everyone hadn’t thought that BOTH of them were scum. Both would be guaranteed to be dead regardless of the order and trying to save sulit as scum is a god awful play. I looked at it thru the perspective that if Jgoes is scum he could do a lot more damage with the reqiem arrow than sulit alive.

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Like I’ve literally had both eevee try to lynch me by lying about me and sulit push me and shadethrow me you are a clown if you seriously think there is any world where I’m not town.

just like your hammer ability :roll_eyes:


/vote Icibalus

Zone/Ici/TL is my PoE everyone else I TR

Voted Voter Votes
Icibalus PKR, Luxy and Kai_5 2/5
Abstaining Mist1422, Zone_Q11, Evil Ginger, Icibalus, Italy, TrustworthyLiberal, and SirDerpsAlot 7

My hammer ability was great, don’t forget.
It was a retri ability per scum hammer that game :stuck_out_tongue:
So, you should know not to doubt me.

Same except maybe Evil and maaaaaybe Italy

I am fine with being scumread, but you are townreading Ginger!?

If you’re fine with being scumread why did you call me scum for scumreading you

wow its almost as if you inflate the importance of your abiltiies and its annoying

Are you kidding me… 7 shots dodged!?
By average, 15% ITA would result in 105% hit chance after 7 shots while the odds of surviving 7 ITAs in a row is 32%! WTF!?

/vote Icibalus