[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

Probably because my very real thought includes missing some important detail that automatically leads to me being mislynched d1.

Wait so you are saying those weren’t your real thoughts?
What are your real thoughts then?

Hell, focus on other people for now.

My lynch could probably clear out some people.

I am saying those are my real thought.

Yes, I was planning on wrapping it up.

I think you are slightly more likely to be a villager now. I’m not sure though.

You probs also should focus on something more if you want a chance of getting the maximum impact even if you will get lynched in the end.

Who wants to mislynch you? You should be able to see from your perspective more clearly.
Don’t let them get comfortable doing that.

hey nerds it’s like 2 am and im heading to bed.

just soeme reminders:

dont lynch me
don’t fucking lynch me
don’t fucking lynch me bitch

Marshal, tell me your reasoning on why did you want to lynch me again.

because hell I really want to vote you right now for the sake of being mislynched.

well arete pushed you with decent points and then arete died.

and your neighborhood was the immedaite PoE for something mechanical like nuclear pointed out

and then arete dies.

my eyes are on you and you haven’t done anything redeeming either. a very meh-ful iso

Well Arete pushed me with decent points and then Arete died, great.

In what way did he pushed me?

Me being the same alignment as PKR?

That is NAI at best?

I want a more decent point than that.

well that’s the point for “arete pushed you”

and i want you to do what arete asked earlier and actually give an answer to arete’s question

Didn’t nuclear also push insanity

or at least have him in a PoE

actually yes

he started that wagon

Answer is?

My brain is confusing me with his grammar, which is why I answered him with a flawed reasoning.

just warning you, it’s not looking too good for you insanity

or technically i did but he sussed insanity out first

Yes, he did.

But why the hell would I kill two people in my neighbourhood when they started to suspect me?

i wonder why mafia don’t want people who suspect them alive
