[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

Congrats then, you got me.

/vote Marshal

Because hell those reason are BS enough.

And right, by that logic, that is going to kill me in the end.

I am extremely sus of the 8 man neighborhood.

Even on a statistical standpoint theyd have the most wolves.

The other points are that two dead town are from that neighborhood and I am 99% sure one of the 6 remaining (minimum) are enemy stand users

With the smallest matter being that you are the only neighborhood we know of so far that doesn’t match flavor. I find it odd that 2 out of three so far have the right amount of people; however I know that people didn’t want me asking about neighborhoods anymore so I’m no longer actively searching for those answers

Ask about neighbourhood.

i mean those were the reasons nuclear_rehab had before somebody offed him.

so are you calling his points BS too?

it’s almost like everyone who is dead right now didn’t want insanity alive.

i probably die before sunrise at this rate

I’m good. I’ve dried up that line of questioning until peoples opinions on what is safe to share changes

No? Where did you get that idea from?

well because we shared very similar points as to why you are scum.

but because he’s flipped town you can’t dare call his reads bad so ya switch it to me

Conclusion: mafia has two dayvigs and they’re both infinite use, and so they insanity was quick to get anyone suspecting him shot in the head

Actually, he can be dead AND have bad reads

For instance he thinks im evil and I’m not

that’s possible.

but this is also nuclear rehab.

who is i think the 2nd strongest player on this playerlist.

i’m waiting for marshal to get shot in the head so i can follow up with “three dayvigs”
i’m just gonna stand here and then get lynched if this actually happens for predicting it

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I’m new to these games, who are the power players both dead and alive?

Conclusion - You two are ganged upon me who is going down sooner or later due to lynch, and it is not going to look good for you two to explain to town later.

im willing to take that risk lol

i mean, the chances of me being maf are basically 0 because of how obviously confident i’ve been

Take that risk then.

Explain tomorrow.

i claimed a bleed
on the first day
with a claimvig ingame