[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

Discussion gettig derailed, and Im stopping.

then i’m sleeping
i am now
going to put my phone down

Squid has a point imo.

Not sure how strong it is.

Whatever dude cant mind control you

World of hurt from YOU?


no, she dosen’t. she dosen’t understand how my fucking emotions work. the main thing that makes me angry is… well, honestly the mass discrimination against autistic children, but more discretely it’s the idea of somebody deliberately trying to induce anger in another person.

the reason bullies got to me wasn’t because their words were hurtful, or their repetetive fucking mocking was in any way actually riling. it was the simple inaliable facts that they were pieces of shit who took joy from my rage.

like the reason i AtE as wolf is partially because I dislike wolfing, but also because ever since that became my meta, people would try to anger me on purpose. and i despise that.

I mean… I’m also on the spectrum. I remember you’ve also done massive AtE and you were wolf in that game. I’ve played many other games with you before, so I have my own way of reading you

Its problem with you then.

look, I long since got over actually being annoyed by people shouting “god is real” and various other christian phrases at me in the school hallways (long story), but the mere fact that they were defiling other people’s beliefs just to fuck with my own was what actually made my bullies get to me.

But yes, this has gotten far too off-topic. i’ll take a break, because it’s clear that I’m not getting anywhere with this game.

but i swear i’ll be actually fucking good at this game at least at SOME point in the future

at least not today
i’m getting dangerously close to being cornily pissed off and using all caps
which is part of why people find my anger so hillarious
because it fucking is
it’s corny as shit
it’s literally what my younger self thought anger was based off cartoons he watched

A vote tie will end up in a random lynch between the two

see i’m crashing into a tailspin of pessimistic self-awareness now
i shall take my leave

Was replying to ici, to be clear

Vote Count

Voted Voted by Votes
Jgoesgaming SirDerpsALot, Luxy and Kai_5, PokemonKidRyan, Lastday3312, Ici 5/9
Sulit Astand, Hippolytus, Evil_Ginger, PoisonedSquid, Boss110 5/9
Evil_Ginger TrustworthyLiberal, Zone_Q11 2/9
Not Voting Jgoesgaming, Sulit, Italy, Mist1422

I’m not going to compromise my sense of justice just so you feel better about your behaviour.

Do you ate often as villager as well?

When people really are trying to annoy me, yes. There was a particularly messy game that I won’t go into that there’s thankfully no record of due to it being in a deleted discord channel on a dead server.

Or if they’'re being exceptionally obstinate, in that case, and if the game would literally be instantly lost if I was mislynched. I’m just easier to piss off as a wolf. It’s not exclusively a wolf thing.