[SFM] JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Golden Wind Forum Mafia- Enemy Stand Users Win!

i am feelling a bit calmer now, but I really do need a break from this game for a few hours.

If you want my real opinion, Ive no idea if any of your recent reactions are AI, so thats that.

I dont even remember games where you were emotional.

i’ve been a lot more stable after my bullies left school
naturally, of course, the school were 100% fucking aware that I was being bullied and did jack shit about it for about 5 years, and i only got rid of them after they went to college instead of sixth form

Aw… okay.

Opinion if you have to choose between sulit/jgoes

50 minutes left.
Don’t fail me now CFD!

…or actually, do. Surprise me.

Very much doubt

None. I want everyone dead.

But who do you want dead more?

Just realized that Ici dodged the question about Lastday, huh.

I know talking with Zone with assumption hed be rational is definitely lost cause.

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Ici is wolf and thus knows who isnt in the Mafia chat

So is sulit village then?

Holy shit Ici went off the deep end. At least with the other arguments, each rant was in response to another person’s accusations and not a monologue

Of this I dont know.

I forgot to preface this with :tinfoil:

spicy rand

I think Jgoes is wolfier than sulit but I might have a big brain mechanical play with leaving Jgoes alive

Explain :eyes:

Between those 2? None. Someone greenchecked Jgoes, so him keeping the Arrow means that he needs to be protected unless we want scum to have the arrow. Sulit on the other hand, I don’t even understand why people are voting him.

I’d rather go for Ginger, and that’s what I am doing.

Not when I’m scum though. You are just unlucky that I am town this time.