[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win


Bro so one what wasnt accurate about my post, I said that you were trying to pocket about four different people, and that your vote on Solic seemed very much just like you vote me I vote you. Two, sure I guess I made it appealing because I used “interactions” but that word wasnt the meat of that argument. Like if I didnt include it the post would be almost Identical. Like it was just a word.

That’s the point. You used a buzzword for completely no reason other than the fact it matches Geyde’s argument for why I was wolf and thus was “more convincing”.

Yeah I pushed you, I used interactions because it was said earlier. Did it add anything to my argument. No it didnt. Like idk what you want me to say. Yes I guess it wasnt all me because I used a word Geyde said to describe you, but I went further in on my own points. It like when you write a research paper. You paraphrase other peoples works and use them to make yours seem stronger. It’s just a natural way of writing. Sorry that I didnt credit my sources and say oh yeah as geyde said his interactions, and then go into what parts I didnt like

Full explanation (I won’t be surprised when you don’t bother to understand it)

I’ve touched on this before, but you read a lot of people as village for two main reasons.

  1. They push people, they lead villagers, etc. etc. etc.
  2. You read them as village for gut/meta reasons.

Now, I understand that number 2 could not be relevant to me, but number 1 comes from a very specific mindset: The classical mindset that wolves try to get people mislynched while staying hidden and villagers try to get wolves lynched.

However, when you come to read me, as well as interactions you mention the 4 specific people I “pocket” (apparently reading people as village and saying this publicly is pocketing, who knew), which does somewhat mesh with that, even if the aforementioned interactions argument kinda pokes a hole in the idea that perspective wasn’t copied.

But you’re forgetting the most key part of all this. You read me as wolf additionally because I voted Solic defensively, (which I didn’t but whatever). I put it to the village that this is a different kind of read; In order to link this idea back to the fundamental cores of your previously established reading strategy you need a lot more steps than I think you ever considered anywhere else.

There are two reasons why you’d do this:

  1. You had a strong gut feeling that made you think I was wolf. If that was the case, why wouldn’t you just mention it? You mention strong gutfeels elsewhere.
  2. You didn’t care about the logic, you just cared about the perceived wolftell.

So either your read was completely invalid and lazily formulated, or (as previously mentioned) you knew the read was completely incorrect and simply wanted a way to justify it.

Supporting the latter is where the use of the word interaction, the runoff sentences, the more sophisticated grammar comes in. Suddenly, your tone completely changes for one particular read! It’s almost like you know it’s wrong and you’re just trying to feed in arguments that have already been used into your own wording.

There are no counterarguments for this yet, and I’m almost certain it’s the latter. I’m staying on you, DatBird, unless you find a wolf and convince me of them, and fast.

Someone tell me in short cuz I am not reading that wall

I already have.

i’m simply fully elaborating a read I’ve already made in a concentrated form so people can understand every aspect of my logic before they just outright reject it

I guess I was wrong I went back and checked, you did not vote Solic after he voted you. You did vote him after he pointed out how what he thought was wolfy of you, and then you said he some of his posts were wolfy and voted him. Well you win that fight. I guess I’ll start writing up an ISO on a gutscum read I have in a little bit got Breakfast to eat.

He did no such thing, consdiering all he did was quote my posts, said a buzzword and then placed either an eye or a thinking emoji after the message.


Fun fact: Only Marluxion has only ever asked that question when I’ve actually been wolf (last I remember, at least.)

Well now me and marluxion have asked you that when you were a wolf

Good argument
I am convinced

sorry i’ve been inactive guys

then stop

ok I’ll stop being inactive.

good now post something actually helpful please.

Something actually helpful