[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

And if I do it is hidden until majority/the end of the day.

lol what

you just talked about a day vig with hugging and now youre talking about double vote

Yeh, I already explained that I read my flavor text as an ability

you noob

someone be friend me

How about you take your vote off me.


And why not?


I still think you have a gun

If I did I would’ve shot you by now.

no you wouldn’t because you know that’s very stupid to do

Do you have any actual reasons WHY it’s a good idea to shoot him?

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Actually I would’ve. I’d rather get votes away from me, even if it means sacrificing another town, I don’t really care.

are u good

My life over yours I guess would be the situation.

And I wouldn’t mind shooting you for that.

Wazza. 1 villager for 1 average-at-best confirmation is not a good trade-off.


but you get that 1 vote off :wink:

I don’t care. My life over his I’d choose my own survival.