[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Thats Cuz youre incompetent And bad

I didn’t do it just based on that, that was one of the things that cleared him to me.

So I am cleared then to by your logic

No, because you don’t have those other things clearing you.

I was making case and it stopped because he claimed to have something in neighborhood wich I had no way to check

It’s also interesting that Eevee choose to vote you, instead of anyone else voicing they would vote you. It’s a classic attempt to try and townfirm you.

this a towny thing I would read you town for it but I want to scumread you so much so I will say that youre just scum doing that thing to be townread and continue tunnel you because I am really bad

He also brought up point about cleaned kills before but I cant find it rn

Things that damn Hja:

  • Really bad opening
  • Cleaned kills, where she has a passive that does that only if she’s mafia on a night with just two mafia alive to use limited use abilities, one doublekill, one votes are held privately the next day, so the clean must have come from the passive.
  • Really no pushes that she started aside from Squid who flipped town. Her push on Eevee was very mild and only started gaining fire, as soon as others voiced and solidified Eevee as the lynch of the day.
  • In a threeway thunderdome with Maxwell and Datbird from lying about whoever voted Eevee. I’m confirmed dead and Nerbins is unique due to his revealed oracle ability.

Trying to cover your tracks after realizing your derp.

Me: finds away to townfirm 3 ppl 1 of wich is main suspect
Solic: wow this Must be scum


Your suggestion wouldn’t result in a town victory and mafia has 1 use abilities that can also screw up plans, you’d be aware of.



Make your own case too or vote Hja.

And everyone doublecheck your votes obviously.

I reread it And that was probably one of the most towniest openings ever made

In What world does scum that has ability to clean doesnt Use it to frame And I dont let eevee make kill like youre just beyond incompetent

No pushes: Starts listing pushes

Youre just beyonf bad at this I dont know Why I am still trying to argue with you about this

No, incredibly scummy.

Classic excuse you’d use. It’s smart, only excuse there is basically.

2 pushes of which one is to posture out of 400 posts. Well done. :clap:

I don’t have a great counterargument for this, so I’m just going to call you bad, because I have no other way to discredit it.

You can concede now Hja. You put up a valiant fight.

Also you’re in a thunderdome with Maxwell/Datbird, so better find out who else it would be, if you’d be town anyways.

No Its not lmao almost no wolf would make that reaction test

Me: presents argument Why I am town
Solic: Well I dont like that argument So I will just ignore it despite it showing youre town

3 pushes wich few of them I tracked activity like How much do you think 1 should make

Me: shows How to townfirm 3 ppl
Solic: wow you can actuslly townfirm these 3 ppl wich means youre scum