[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Idea was given to me by Geyde in dead chat

You tunneled me in both games

Invite to dead chat

Sorry for being so hard on the mechanics, but that’s literally my town persona. I can’t help it. I will complain if I think something disadvantages me. It was fine really.

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I backed off here near the end though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Tbh… Soul throwing, town not using own abilities, Isaac getting modkilled, mafia being more hurt than town after town is modkilled etc.

The game was a shitshow.

Not to mention lack of kill n1 wasted a misslynch anyway. We used cleaning as FIRST ability and then couldn’t use it till night 2, which was AFTER Hjasik passive was revealed.

Imagine it going in opposite order, first cleaning and then passive about cleaning being revealed.
It would be sure misslynch.

Other way around it looked like we want to frame Hjasik, even tho we didn’t want to do it.
We just already used this ability earlier on and couldn’t change it cause of no kill.

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I’d also like an invite.

Honestly this was a good refresher on how to and how not to play mafia for me. It was a change of pace compared to past games always just being town and it taught me some vital stuff.


You slanked a fair bit here too. If you were honest about your vote on Hja, things might have gone differently too, but it’s hard to see that in advance I think.

I’ve Survived worse
Like openclaiming NK

And I’m mostly mad at hosting here.

The modkill solution actually saved town from a misslynch, didn’t let us to chose who dies etc.
Add to this that Soul was throwing and mafia was severly handicapped to begin with.

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I actually tried the last two days. First two I couldn’t say that.
So that’s a plus.


Yeah totally, it’s my biggest habit I’m trying to break as mafia but it’s like the lack of confidence that keeps me from posting more. For the Hjas vs Eevee vote I had no clue what to do. Like Hjas seemed scummy but i hadn’t really said that before and i did push eevee the day before so I was like I sure I can just convince them I voted eevee. That went swimmingly… Not

Also, I would like to apologize for being way too inactive the first half of this game.
I have a bad habit of thinking, “If I have nothing useful to say I shouldn’t say anything at all”.


I’ll post signups for a new rendition of FoL later this weekend btw. :wink:


@ me when you do

I will say that you were severely more useful than Margaret now. :eyes:

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But is that even something to be proud over, though?

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Guess who was right about Datbird being scum? This squid

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You also ignored me like three times making me refuse to swap my vote from you. :man_shrugging: