[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

It’s called being busy as crap. I’m having mental health issues that need to be taken care of, so…

I read somebody correctly!


I know who I can blame for this game issues.
Old system!

Like due to all mods playing together, Fk had noone to go to ask about how to solve modkill.
Sure, Osie reviewed setup, but he can’t solve our problems for us.

So yes, it’s all cause old system without asigned GM was used here!

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…but I still won and am happy

And in fairness if I’d survived to D3 i’m like 90% sure I would’ve ended that day pushing eevee’s ass off into hyperspace, so uhhhh

1.5/3 ain’t bad?

Overall, my reads were decent enough that I was the Mafia’s second kill choice!

No, you were the hider.

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Please tell me you actually voted for the hider.

Or you deserve your death.

I voted for DatBird to be the hidebehind.

As soon as that mechanic was announced I knew it was going to be mafia doublekill actually.

There was a strongman!!

I still suspected him quite a bit so I chose him because he was EXTREMELY unlikely to be chosen as the Mafia kill even if he was village.

Strongman from Mario, by picking any other option, but hiding behind noone, you are just giving away a potential doublekill.

I chose to hide behind DatBird, Solic, so don’t get angry at me.

Well at least you did choose, sorry. I really have some fm issues :thinking:

Add me to deadchat please, Litten! :slight_smile:

