[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Also me plez

Me to

I’m just still kinda in shock that I predicted the vote thing and then completely dismissed it when I thought I was wrong.

Lmao at this though


It’s irony that it killed him

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Hey Solic or Kitten, can you make a list on how people did best to worst?
Speaking of which hi Marg.

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Me- died to the bomb

What’s your PFP, Dat?

My timings got messed up by the early night end then sleep then work then forgot about it so I could play Overwatch and then watch a movie


Nice job tho guys

Almost lynched the confirmed town from like 3 days ago :blush:

Half the game I didnt know what I was doing tbh

Its Magicians red from jojo. Still a bird

Jojo Bizzare Adventures
Abdul’s Magicians Red

Ah. Didn’t get that far yet.
On that episode where Kars t-posed.

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Yeah so you still in Phantom Blood or was it the

Cue pillar man song

Battle Tendency is what I mean btw

I just had to make a bad joke

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I’m on the one where the back-stabbing happened

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Warrior of the Wind or the one after.

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Part 5 is my favorite so far. Just started read in ng part 6

Uh I don’t think that’s going to make for a better atmosphere.

(which is very hypocritical since I criticize everyone who happens to post postgame)

I think you already acknowledged your biggest flaw in this particular game, which was early general inactivity.

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