[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

I’m hiring vote count bots as well, message me in a PM if you want to be one (NOT HIRING PEOPLE IN THE GAME)

My vote was not actually a vote, and I made that clear.

Current rough thougths:

Wazza is still clear.
I have an overwhelming urge to say that Geyde is wolf but I’m pretty sure that this is just my primal response to being “attacked”. Once I’m a bit clearer I’ll read him fully.
i’m starting to see the isaac case but i’m not fully convinced

Would you hire a trusted business associate of mine? Or just bots not ppl.

It isn’t the number of votes that matters, it’s the pressure of you wolfreading him.

what…I meant people who posts vote counts. Turns out school is starting to get busy and that’s why I don’t have time to read the thread fully for votes. Which is why I need people to ping me with your votes

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Scum isaac gets extremely frantic when accused.

Can you name 1 game where he does that by the way.

It’s the most common meta tell ever. I didn’t need to be told that.

I would argue scum isaac posts much more than town isaac but the ratio of relevant posts to nonsense posts is much lower.

no i think im important

Fair I apologize

Sfol 19.5 just spammed at blazing speed with excuses

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i was panicking ok

I still find the school claim to be a diversion attempt, even if it was true

i kinda hinted who i am already in this game

/vote isaac


I’m convinced lol

Nice gut read you got there.

I’d vote Isaac and all, but I’d rather not sheep, despite this being one of the Sheep Master’s games.