[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Vote Count

Isaac-Geyde Ici-2

Remember to ping me with Neighbhorhood requests and votes

i swear to god Wazza if you spend 3 posts trying to prove that I’m a bad player because my initial read was wrong

2 out of what?

Well then link us and post a defense, for God’s sake! You never really defended yourself in sfol 19.5. Lazy cw claim are you kidding me?

If you have your own reasons to vote someone even if other people are doing it, do it anyway. Don’t be a chicken :chicken:

That was a joking post.

I don’t have a reason to vote Isaac. That’s the problem.

Passive-agressiveness is a very funny joke, huh?

It’s to play on the fact that you got convinced by someone.

If once again, you’re going to try be a dick to me like you’ve done before, you can continue.

should i claim

It sounded like you had a reason, but let me guess, “My mistake, not yours”

And now I hope you explode.

Besides. I can’t be bothered explaining why I don’t have a reason, because then it’d be “my mistake, not yours”.

Okay, I’m just going to make a prediction here.

It’s Scum!Squid.

It’s just a “gut” feeling right now that I’ll explain after I’ve eaten.

I would pass the bomb to you right now, but I’m not stupid enough to do that, I would rather have a civil discussion on what to do with it

/vote Isaac

Do it then.

you already voted me

I’ll keep the bomb on me.