[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Check the mechanics for d1

Scummy to even point this out of yourself. Someone is feeling selfconscious here. :eyes:

That’s not the answer I wanted and I think you know it. :eyes:

Those mechanics have been up for weeks now. Of course I’ve read them.

I misread

aah i royally fucked up and I’m sorry. My wagon on isaac was a catastrophic failure. It is due to me and only me that he’s dead.

Neighborhood with Ici = I can scumread them more

Vote Count

Wazza-Celeste Wazza-2

I feel like I missed something so if I did tell me

My scum like activities were an attempt to reach out to isaac. I’ve found that is a better way to reach out to him a good portion of the time.
That said the quotes you pulled of me are a bit blatantly obvious, even for me, solic.

you should know by now that I am just indecisive, like extremely so, even as town.

Hmm now that I reread what he said prior to this, the progression is not that weird. But then again someone like Ici would ensure his progression is on point. :eyes:


Scum spotted

it seems to be hard to defend myself in this situation without being modkilled.

what is your read on waz

Yeah Wazza and Ici are never on the same team here.

Look at my ISO

Oww this feels so incredibly forced.

Hey Maxwell are you a neutral?

How very towny of you Squid.

I am not.
It was a horrific read that I pushed on to disastrous effects. I have learned not to try to read isaac. He’s too much of an enigma and this really, really cost me.

Is it because you crack under pressure? :eyes:

You really should stop backtracking