[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

How is that your reasoning? :thinking:

This focus on mechanics is also out of place.

fine. I could not find your iso so I’m going to make my own read. I read waz as less scum because of that such angerful and emphatic attack and so I wish to take him off the wagon.

/vote Icibalus

Why are you following my push on Ici

Wait why the fuck is “softing your flavor” mod killable??? Why do we even have it then.

Who knows?


It’s literally just flavor.

Because he makes sense to me right now.
for a detailed explanation I’d have to make a more detailed analysis.

I mean that copy pasteing AGAIN is just fucking idiotic. I mean really… we have had this happen SOO MANY times now. It’s really not that difficult to not get modkilled all the time.

Isaac, it literally happened in auction mafia a recent game. :roll_eyes:

But why would softing it be such a crime then… That’s just weird to me.

This mechanics discussion is pointless

Vote Count

Ici-Geyde Maxwel-2
Wazza-Celeste Wazza-2

I feel like I missed something so if I did tell me

it’s not just pointless, it’s frivolous

It doesn’t help.
Therefore pointless.

At least this means we can tie out flavor and passives being related. I played Luigi’s mansion and fairly sure Luigi couldn’t bomb or anything.

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You call this a discussion

Geez Geyde, lighten up. It’s better than Isaac’s Wazza’s No U contest.

Absolutely no chill allowed

well if you look at the death passive its a strob bulb, not a bomb per say but something that would be a bomb to ghost

Does. Not. Compute. If that’s your thought process why would you give it to her in the first place with “LOLREACTIONTESTS” as your backdrop.

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