[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

“I claim town”
gets vigged

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prob a passive vig

That’s the meme

image [quote=“Meteoro, post:81, topic:75825, full:true”]

“I claim town”
gets vigged

That’s an alignment, not a claim.


If you don’t know your passive,how would It work?

That’s aligment claim

also meant to reply to Isaac in thats the meme

im not gonna claim town

Claim village

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I ate a lot of skittles someone help

Eat more
you’ll feel better for it

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no I feel like im gonna throw up

I had to drink water or I was gonna die


Can we state what flavor we want to join as?
When it says “feel free to claim it, however do not quote it” does that mean we can ask for it in the main thread?
Also /ni

This is acceptable to name or mention

This is not

I already RNG’d flavor so sadly you can’t ask for it

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Luigi+April 8th

heck yeah im /in

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Luigi’s Mansion was my first ever DS game, haven’t even read the OP I just see the name, I click, I in, I’m very simple.

Hey Wazza, do you promise to play to the best of your ability even if someone pisses you off


You’re the first person who has said this.

So it’s a yes.