[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win


So that would include Eevee, DatBird, Nerbins, MaximusPrime, and Soulshade

Participate plz (Yes, Eevee, I know you just typed)

High tier play here

You have not spoken much, if not spoken anything, this entire day 1.

Eevee is doing the “look so sus that everyone townreads you for it” strategy


It’s more like “I want to replace out, but am too lazy to actually write the replace out post and there is noone to sub in most likely anyway” strategy.

If they are doing it purposely then Eevee is scum. ;);););););):wink:

okay not to be a rule follower but this kinda is against the rules.



Delete doublepost


To be technical, I’m announcing I will not replace out due to being too lazy to replace out.
Which is not against rules.

They’ve done it seriously as Town

Okay, I did all my school work. I read the entire thread, but didn’t ISO Ici yet. Bar none my biggest scumread has to be Maxwell. I can’t see his apology for Isaac’s modkill as anything less than a blatant ATE. Also, Squid, are you certain you passed the bomb to him?

Why does that make them scum

ATE is used by scum, right?

I know that you’re pressuring me and crap, but I’m not going to go all out defending myself because A. I don’t want to turn it into a massive ATE session and B. I know what I am, and I always know I look scummy no matter my alignment, so why even bother changing that behavior

Squid, please make sure you really did pass the bomb to Maxwell. No one wants a repeat of Regicide 3. (Hippo compared Shurian to Shurian in that and didn’t realize until he checked his PM)