[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

I feel very weird about this, because I was agreeing with a lot of Geyde’s pushes yesterday, but now things are kind of turned on its head for my reads, which is very disconcerting.

After rereading his ISO, he pushes a lot of people, but doesn’t find much town for some reason. I also really dislike how he tried to lock in Ici OR Maxwell at start until he pointed it out.

Also hey friendo @Maxwell take my bomb.

Sorry Eevee, wouldn’t want to accidentally blow you up. :eyes:

Didn’t you think that I WANT to blow up?


/vote MaximusPrime, because lord knows the world hasn’t seen enough of this.

:man_shrugging: I’m still unsure about you.

I’m Oracle which reveals “Someone’s” card when dying.


So you’d better convince Maxwell to give it to you now then. :thinking:

I already passed it on, who would you reveal?

Vote Count

Ici-Geyde Wazza Maxwell-3


I have no choice on it.

But why u lying though?

Likeeeeee :thinking:

I’m going to bed now so cya.

Vote Count links thing updated

(You don’t know how much it takes to get it from a link to a named link)

Pushing on inactives who can’t argue back seems scummy to me but I’ll have to look into it


I don’t really know what to say… read again?

Or it is getting them to participate, so they can actually be read properly…

Game would just be over if noone talked and mafia just coasted to victory.

Like literally your logic is so bad.

Not saying that I was saying if your intent was to just push on me I’d have a problem

It can be a scummy movr to push a inactive town but that’s my opinion

Yea but literally no town knows you are an inactive town, soooo just be active if you sign up for a game.