[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Either A or C.

What do you think?

Vote Count

H_Hjasik-Datbird Solic Maxwell-3/6
Datbird-Ici wazza hja-3/6

3 ppl on my wagon and none has presented any argument that isn’t NAI or isn’t something I do as town

What do you want to achieve with this

I showed why your reasoning is false
So you should unvote now right

You too are the only ones being voted right now, and I believe that at least one of you is scum. Potentially both, but I doubt it.
I want to get people’s opinions on this.

Based on what that we are both being voted

In short you say I think hja vs dat is TvS but I have no idea wich one of them is wich like how does that work

I’m getting scumleans from both of you, but I think you aren’t SvS. There’s probably only 2 scum left, and I don’t think they would be stupid enough to pull a risky SvS.

Ok so why do you think I am scum

Barely doing anything productive and being really defensive while providing bad defenses like, “I don’t wanna scroll up” and “But I do that as town”.

I was productive more than you this varies in my games if you look at them

I am defensive in my town games I can link you if you want

That was not defense that was answer to why I am not scumhunting at the moment

That’s not a bad defense you can’t really accuse someone for something they almost always do as town and in this case I almost never do that as scum

What would you think I am trying to achieve with this defense from perspective of me being wolf

An excuse for you not to scumhunt.

So you think that wolf would expect to get townread with that defense?

Tell why I can’t be lazy to not scroll up

This is really sad

Seriously why is anyone trying to SR hja


Hja is town.
Use your brain

Everyone on this wagon.

How in the fuck do you read hja as scum