[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win


There’s a difference between a gutread and a soulread.

Those two were gutreads. This is different.

This is a soulread, and I’m willing to stake part of my reputation as a wolfreader on this.

She gave an extremely mild push on you after you were in the most easily pushable situation since yesterday. You refused to swap on someone that flipped town and tried to lynch somebody else before EoD.

She without a hitch swapped to DatBird after getting some heat from me without even mentioning you again really. That is not a legitimate push.

You’re moving the goalposts here, Solic.

How was it mild

Yes I explained why I pushed him already

That’s false

Hjasik stops pushes quickly when he’s village as well. I can’t remember examples right now but I know it’s in-character.

: (

/vote Birb

Vote Count

H_Hjasik-Datbird Solic-2/6
Datbird-Ici wazza hja eevee-4/6

Solic, Hjasik may have been particular annoying this game, but he’s village.

You want to know who isn’t village?
Our good friend DatBird.

Also, sorry for misremembering your pronouns @Emilia


Stopping pushes isn’t the issue, it’s that she has really none. Like just ISO her (I just did it again) and tell me who she seriously pushed, I’m just asking you again, because you can’t, with a straight face, say she has/is pushing you.

I can say, with a straight face, Hjasik pushed me.

You barely interacted!

If you call that a push, then you’re easily intimidated.

I’ll entertain you and ISO bird though. :roll_eyes:

She literally spent the best part of SoD pushing me, and you’re trying to argue she didn’t because she gave up on it eventually.

Still same post or something new?

Same post. That readslist is reeeallly wolfy imo.

There’s also the fact that after I started pointing that out there’s a tonal gap that can’t be easly explained if they’re village.