[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Why the fuck have you done this?


I feel that these mechanics are majorly scumsided.

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I’m going to eat some dinner before I’d explode into hangry salt.

If only you could have used that to your advantage. Oh right, you didn’t know your passive. GENIUS.

Okay, I really need to eat, bye

Tell me that you voted for the hider not to hide btw. :eyes: Please fucking tell me we at least did that right.

I did.

Am I the only one thinking Hjasik just used a limited use doublekill?

Eevee what are you thinking? :eyes:

That this doubledeath was planned in design stage somwhere.

Otherwise there wouldn’t be other source of death - bomb, cause it would cause to have even number of players.

Implying Firekitten has flawless game design. :smile:

It’s not about Fk, it’s about Osie.
Osie is most strict reviewer on MS.

Okay, so what conclusion do you draw from that? How is that helpful?

That there is passive/ability which caused this additional death.
And it was a hard kill ability most likely.

Design-wise it’s also probably the reason why Fk removed a kill from mafia n1 after a modkill, to stay on same number of people.

I repeat.

Thats some bad thinking

Or is it exactly right. :eyes:

If you actually put effort into reading you would know this isnt the case

So who’s scum?