[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Makes Sense

How does cleaned kill make me scum wat

This, tho I mostly suspect it as frame, considering that 2 mafias are alive, so you would be able to easily let other mafia perform kill, if it was real.

That’s why you are in PoE, but never first lynch from it.

The really annoying thing is that we have to really agree on our votes today or scum can doublevote us out of it. Votes should be done publicly while given privately for transparency.

how does one have scum motivation? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Agreed My vote is on solic

But I’m not scum. :roll_eyes:

Your classcard Says otherwise

You asked me about PoE. I basically changed my mind a bit on Maxwell regarding some of his later posts, but I remember now how he swapped to Soul and I don’t think he’d have faked that, so I only have Maxwell/Wazza as heavy town.

No, it doesn’t.

And you were ignoring me on purpose before So I am voting you anyway


Why shouldn’t we vote you?

Where was I ignoring you on purpose before?

And I have done that as town countless times before anyways.

Thats Why I am voting you

Cuz you’ve done it countless times and still do it

Hja if you’re actually serious, we don’t have the fucking luxury for these shenanigans, so either come up with something I can debunk or just lose the game for us (that is if you’re town).

You loved to bring up Auction mafia at the start, well guess what, you also lost that.

Your fault youre ignoring me on purpose

Where am I ignoring you???

You did before you said yourself