[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Now I feel bad Cuz of you

Sorry, I’m in a bad mindset regarding this game.

You’ve been a lot better midgame.

Fuck it, I’m voting out Marge now. If she just wants to fucking like my posts and not do any shit whatsoever, it’s on fucking her if we lose this.

I would have voted marg already if I didnt play in ninjas And guns

What happened there?

She got mislynched in MyLo

And did nothing

It’s not MyLo though or it shouldn’t be.

Still voting her. :man_shrugging:

I just need to go on hiatus again, cause this irritates me to no end.

To think that I fucking voted her third for MU championship. It makes me throw up in my mouth.


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Wait Thats not post I wanted to link

I just wanted to link game And it linked post in game but whatever

not saying that was a Good game from me

do you know How bad will I fell if scumteam is datbird eevee And I saved them from lynches

Okay, I regained my composure somewhat and am voting Eevee again.

I really feel the urge to just mute this thread and ignore it completely before it pulls me over the edge again.

People who pushed him yesteray. Noone really pushed him at end of the day anyway.

You did.

You didnt try to prevent cfd when you were online