[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Soul didn’t try



Your reads are still on point!

Let. Me get the passives

Omg yeah I was like jesus how did he read me so good

Oh I totally missed that d4 there was no hider announcement. Could have known before.


Soul was literally refusing to work with mafia and didn’t try at all, so we had one member less.

Modkill solution actually hurts mafia, since removing night kill on n1 might keep number of players in balance, but who tf would kill Isaac n1.

We eneded up trading Isaac who had shit passive and is not a good player for lack of kill, which could hit like Geyde n1.

Kinda ehhh…


Problem was that if I didn’t stop it if bomb hit town then you could have won in 2 mislynches

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100 passives each you have 0.03 vote

Wait he was just double voter So 0.02

Defusing the bomb with a modkill?

see hindsight is 20/20

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Last Will
Public Day healer
Public Hider
Can talk after death for a day
Double Voter that basically screws with peoples minds
Mechanical Oracle
Super Saint Roleblocker + Removes Passive
Bullet Proof Town
Slank Bomb

I hated the bomb. Honestly I should have just passed it back to you since you were about to get lynched. If I did maybe this game would have been different. The moment I passed the bomb to any town I feel like I would have been instalynched

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I mean, you actually hurt scum for town breaking rules.
That was iritating.

If you combine with Soul gamethrowing… ehhh.

As I said, town was terrible, but mafia was even worse.

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I will still say that last will/private voting things are quite terrible. Rest was fine.

The public healer wasn’t meant to save someone. It was meant to prevent the towniest person from dying that night. I don’t blame you for not using this to your advantage as the mechanic went away, however the fact that y’all complained about this being useless is laughable.

The hider I made as a risk or reward. It was the exact opposite of the public healer. It encouraged mafia to vote on the scummiest person and to try to kill a scummy person. The hider shouldn’t hide behind town, it’s best used to attempt to hide behind scum. The fact that 2 mafia voted and out voted ALL the town because no one else voted. I even gave you a way to no hide so the strongman kill wasn’t useless, however the fact that no one voted made it hurt town.

The bomb was meant to get rid of a lurker who wouldn’t check in. It gave a person 12 hours to check in or they would die. I didn’t expect someone to keep giving it to themselves but whatever.

The Neighbhorhood was meant to be a place where people can try to get more reads in private and encourage people to vote with them on the specific mechanics. It also allowed mafia to manipulate town like Eevee did to ici.

The last will couples with the Neighbhorhood allowing to trap your neighbhor to tell the truth of what happened in the Neighbhorhood. The fact that everyone thought this was useless yet no one wrote any reads or what happened makes it useless and is a your fault not mine.

The bullet proof vest is meant to allow town to survive longer. People complaining about not knowing you are bullet proof:Well duh, that’s the point of the setup. Squid acted scummy and didn’t even try to make reads that were worth attacking her. I shouldn’t have to give her a vest pubically for her to try

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It wasn’t terrible if you used it right

You were like: this is really anti-town
Then it confirms 3 town