[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

nice job maxwell

I just read through all the posts I’ve missed and I have one thing to say: Wazza, I’m extremely disappointed in you

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stop being mean

its ok wazza u have a cool voice


tired wazza in a nutshell

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I got like no sleep too

No but Isaac. Explain. Your. Vote. Or. Unvote.

out /s

fine noob ill unvote in 30 minutes

In what realm would you ever expect Isaac to thoughtfully respond to that?


ikr like wtf are u thinking

The Realm of “Isaac being awake”

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breakfast is the best meal of the day

You severely miscalculated. Evenly awake Isaac would never respond to a question worded like THAT.

Another pawn of the cereal industry, I see.

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just unvote you noob

Omega Noob List:

  • Isaac
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coco puffs though
