[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

I was clearly replying to Squid.


Can you give me a few examples of said games?

Like literally, the comment you replied to had nothing to do with your response.

Do I have to scroll over to like November and shit?

that was like months ago bro

Yes, what’s stopping you from doing so?

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me. I’m stopping myself from laziness.

can you name the games at least?

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wazza you do realise that claiming it’s the victims fault that they were shot is a satire of legal defence attorneys and isn’t actual logic

But what if it was the victims fault.

name the games noob

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I have to remember the games names first you idiot.

/vote wazza ill be waiting

One wa that Valkyria game. something like that.

ill take it off once you name the games

Okay you have just fucking challenged me.

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dude i replaced in for captain and the next night i was dead

i don’t even know who was scum that game

I’m talking to Squid.

This isn’t about you.