[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

thast just me messing with wazza because he gets so mad when i say it

I haven’t read all of the Valkyria posts from Wazza yet since there’s so many and I have to go to class soon, but I do notice a difference between the posting style here and there. In Valkyria, he was more focused on solving and even said something to the likes of “Go ahead and kill me, you’ll know I’m telling the truth when I flip”, but in here, there’s more defensiveness to his posts and he’s more focused on surviving than Valkyria (Plus there’s a difference in post count, but I’m not sure if it’s as big of a deal)

I’m going to start revving up a chainsaw

I’ll like to say once again ping me in the thread with your votes or I’ll “miss them”

Because Squid sounds entirely different from the last time I saw them

I’m pretty sure you know this Isaac.

I’m saying that I seriously believed you would shoot Isaac and went out of my way to stop you from doing as such.

Since at that time I read isaac as village due to their initial posts giving me a feeling of honesty, I felt it was the right play. I’m intruiged as to why people think Isaac reiterating their confusion is wolfy- have I missed something?

To be fair. I would’ve shot Isaac. I wouldn’t care.

Ici, are you scum

No, are you?

It’s my intention for my vote to be missed at this time I’ll ping you with a decisive vote later.

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how do you guys read me as scum

They already explained this. I feel like you’re trying to piss me off again.

You’re so fucking scummy :eyes:


im town but you read me as scum

how do you read me

I never said I did.

Stop wasting thread space Isaac/Wazza

Vote Count


Remember to ping me with Neighbhorhood requests and votes

Because I’m nice I’ll count Geyde Vote here but I don’t have time to read the entire thread for votes, so if you vote PLEASE ping me to save me time and you time.

I am not voting Isaac?