[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Actually this is my first time self-voting that ISN’T a meme.

Alright, I’ll do it shortly

None would.

I’ll kill myself for a 1 for 1 deal.

You kill me, I appear Town, you get Margaret, she appears Scum.

Beg and he shall receive.
/vote WazzaAzza

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Not saying you havent thought about doing it before?


he’s obvious village
don’t do it

Meh I’ll decide later

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I never said I haven’t thought about doing it. Stop. Taking. Shit. Out. Of. Fucking. Context. You. Fucking. Bitch.

No seriously, I’m done with your shit Margaret, you’re an annoying bitch and if you’re town this game pull the stick out of your ass next time you play.

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Oh btw

I was testing everyone :slight_smile:

Ici is Whiteknight and is attempting to act as a “town” leader
Maxwell is undecisive. Possibly Ici - Maxwell team, unsure of what kind of play this distancing was meant to be.

Does maf have scumchat?

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The sheer level of “what the fuuuuuuuuuu-” that permeates from every aspect of Wazza’s play is literally impossible to fake as wolf. Every single fuck-up is unique and can’t even be fucking made up.

That dosen’t mean Wazza isn’t an incredibly bad player.


Waz that attack is borderline a rule violation

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lmao marg thinks that defending people who are claiming people are “obvious wolves” 4 hours after D1 SoD is something no villager does

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Its only a rule violation if I complain

And its fine because I brought it on

Fair did not know that

If I don’t have any major wolfreads of course I’m going to defend my villagereads. That’s how Mafia works.

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Its easier to just read wazza when hes angry than when hes calm tbh, more irrational and less time to process decisions. That’s why.

Note my liking posts

Thats obviously me referencing for the court case

oh right so i can farm likes by posting wolfy as shit things good to note :^)

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I’d assume so yes.

Okay look, I know you’re defending me and all, but nothing is impossible to fake for me.

You have a fair point there.

Andddd that’s harsh.


I wish I was scum to prove you wrong right now.

Same btw.