[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

I don’t know you’re the one who asked?
If you don’t want me to take your input I will go for Ici as I am much more certain in his scumminess than anyone else.

@Meteoro you can take over

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You know if Ici flips scum after this you’re fucked

I am fucked regardless. I thought solic wanted me to go after someone else because Ici is theoretically an obvious co-scum pocket at this point.

You just haven’t convinced me of anything yet. Saying you’re convinced in someone’s scumminess doesn’t really convince me, because it’s an empty statement that can just be said.

As I said my best read now is Ici.

Of course it is. Wasn’t expecting it to convince you.

You’re hardly trying to convince me then though… :thinking:

I will now.

What did you mean by this btw?

Hello. What’s happened so far?

Isaac killed themselves

Insert generic there is a daycheck on you!!!###!@!!!@

I saw that in the OP. Anything else?

The rest you can read the thread for.
Recommend ISO’ing Ici

Isaac kicked the bucket.

Okay, I’ll read the thread.
After I’ve done that I’ll ISO Ici.

My big response to this game is as follows:

My scumlike actions today have all been an effort to reach out to isaac because I read him hard as scum. I learned the hard way today that this was a horrible choice as I pushed Isaac into modkilling himself. You have no idea how utterly helpless I feel and how livid I am at myself due to my horrific cruelty. As town I’ve basically already caused treason and if anyone else besides a scum is lynched today the game is over.

It was inexcusable policy to act scumlike. My class is useless and I have no abilities besides my currently hidden passive. I really should have considered what I was doing before I went on a sus posting spree to try to get a defense out of Isaac. I’ve already likely completely thrown the game from my actions today and it seems I’m defenseless to stop it. If anyone besides scum dies on the stand today the game is certainly over as perhaps the most powerful town class is dead.

In regards to that quote I have found the only way I can sometimes get the truth and a real defense out of isaac is adapting his scumlike mannerisms and act like him to communicate with him.

But that’s a defense… not the relentless deathtunnel that I asked for. :thinking:

if you want a relentless death tunnel completely of my own perspective and not changed by perceived conditions from you (which turned out to not be the case) then I’m hammering Ici without question. As I said the game is lost for town if scum does not die today and a vote on Ici is the only thing I’m willing to bet the game on.

/vote Icibalus