[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Pass me the bomb.

Should I pass Wazza the bomb?

You know why that is Wazza?

Geyde actually has posts you can read, I was sugarcoating Eevee with posting more about their thoughts so I can read them.

What is your read on Eevee.

Did I miss something?
What that a test thing?

Still null. I can buy that they’re demotivated which is exceptionally hard to read.

Also @Nerbins what is your passive. My passive (which was revealed to me) caused 3 players passives to be revealed. The selected players were Eevee, Me and you. So what is yours?

I don’t know mine.
However, I can confirm due to something else that I believe flavors do impact passives.

That also explains why Eevee knows his.

/vote Nerbins

Outed Mafia.

I have three passives.
We can say flavor names, right?

Check your classcard again. Your passive will no longer be redacted as it’s been revealed to you.

You REFUSING to state that kinda makes me believe you are scum.

As any town would figure out that they know their passives now.

I’m dead serious, none of mine have been revealed to me. They’re all still redacted and all I know is that I have three.

Once again. Outed mafia.

Someone confirm that their passive or passives weren’t revealed to them.
Mine are not revealed.

@eevee can confirm.

So can other people. Like Geyde or Ici or someone else active.

No. I didn’t select them.

I selected myself (so I could see my second passive), you and Eevee.

So you revealed one of my passives?
Nothing changed. I still know none of them.