[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Shadethrowing is like literally my persona.

Why would mafia be afraid of passing the bomb to someone who asks for it?

How was Nerbins clean after his first 9 posts? I made it quite clear why I did what I did with the bomb.

This is as of about point one.

Very underwhelming posts, very negative in sound, but without stating anything hard.

Cause he asks for it?
And if someone asks for it, it means he has some idea what to do with it.

And not all ideas are good for mafia.
Mafia as generaly more self-aware and afraid of themselves would be afraid to pass a bomb to someone who asks for it, cause it’s a killing tool and well used killing tool can kill mafia.

So they would rather pass a bomb to someone inactive, without general idea how to use bomb to hurt them, and hope he goes boom instead.

I’m not going to pretend like I did a lot in those posts, because it was mostly stream of conscious. Doesn’t make me scum. You see me being positive in sound like ever and then magnify that in FM (after being crushed at work this week in particular). I didn’t state much hard things, because I don’t have the resources to full on death tunnel anymore with my work now. I did push Ici and Maxwell day 1 of day 1 to a reasonable enough degree to be called a push.

And then you neigboured with Maxwell… why?

You were literally not a presence in the thread other than I want to die and not do anything, so don’t now say that you had some masterplan in your backpocket that’s beneficial to town, because that was not the impression you were giving off in thread.

I was afraid to squander my chance of doing something good with it and also with giving you power when I don’t trust you yet, so yes I don’t hand it to you. Same thing with Geyde.

Because he convinced me that he was town after he defended himself. It’s also more fun to neighbour with someone else, because I already talk enough with Geyde and even neighbourized with him in like my last game.

There is always a nagging doubt and I wanted to see what he’d do with it as well.

I have about 1 hour left btw, so ask me anything before that. I cannot be on until EoD after this hour, because work decided to blow up, because 93% is now 90% which means the world is on fire.

Oh I’m still voting Nerbins lol.


Let me think about this.

Vote Count

Ici- Datbird soul Wazza-3
Solic-Icibalus Eevee geyde-3

Actually I’m not going to reread stuff again. I’ve put in enough work. Geyde has consistently been giving me a bad vibe, since yesterday and he was way too excited about a factually false situation that “confirmed me as scum”. Don’t like it. Also don’t like how he has tried to lock lynches when we have plurality and enough activity to switch.

/vote Geyde


I’ll be here for the next hour still

Vote Count

Ici- Datbird soul Wazza-3
Solic-Icibalus Eevee geyde-3

It probably needs to be the weekend before I can actually play like normal. :thinking:

Wagons go on these two people
That’s not stopping people from voting outside it

We’ll see about that.

Moreover it creates reactions

Well you have my reaction on trying to get the vote on you now.

You completely misread my post

What do you mean? How?