[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Solic has a theory that Eevee may have voted SoulShade 39 minutes before the day ended because he was dead then anyways. My vote, which was 5 hours and 50 minutes before the day ended, really solidified the lynch. After that vote, I went to sleep and was not up for EoD.

I still don’t get it. XD So I can vote for player A hiding behind player B? What happens with the votes in case of a tie? What happens if someone else votes player A hiding behind player C and we have a tie between that?

There’s a player who’s a hider

you are voting for a player that you want them to hide behind

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Alternatively, they’re just a villager, which is WhAt My GuT sAyS

Righttttt, thanks I needed that.

Look how this ended up last time though…

…oh wait Isaac was town

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And Soul was scum. :smile:

So, we’re only voting for that person to hide behind someone?

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@Kirefitten let’s say Soul was modkilled.

Would his passive still take effect?

I’d assume not but it’s worth asking

So basically don’t publicize your votes, because that is most likely to give scum a doublekill. Especially with a strongman this night.

In auction mafia modkills erased passives.

If eevee is to be believed, yes.

Hey Squid, do you have any reads?

Brb for 40 mins

I didn’t read much of the last few hours of the day since I was busy, so I may not have much, but I still feel Wazza and Ici are Town. I’m also trying to keep an eye on Maxwell for his behavior with the bomb. Speaking of which, what happened to the bomb Ici gave you?

Read the thread.


Okay, I’m a little confused. Maxwell said he did have the bomb, but then there’s this:

So I’m guessing whoever has the bomb now won’t tell us anything

I had the bomb. We went over this already you probably have not seen the clarification. This was a scheme by Solic to fake giving the bomb to Nerbins while saying he gave it to me. This was after the only time I had the bomb.

I have only had the bomb once, I believe from you. At that point I passed it to Ici instantly saying nothing because I was trying to assess his uninformed reaction.