[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Ok so I am back

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Hi back


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Apologies was gone for 53 mins, let me go read the 50 mesages I missed.

Start chaos fm

Didn’t you say I was scum though?

I would also.


Town!Squid is what I’m feeling right now.

DatBird, you convinced me Margaret was not scum


Earlier, I said that I rescinded my Scumread on you due to your aggressive behavior during D1

Apologies for not seeing that message.

I honestly do agree with the notion that Ici is wolf but not for yall reasons

What are your reasons then?

Because im obviously trying to mislynch Ici

There can only be one bastard host in a vanilla game


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Then vote him? :thinking:



/vote DatBird

Vote Count

H_Hjasik-Solic Maxwell Wazza-3/6
Datbird-Ici Geyde-2/6

I said I’d pass it to Eevee if no one objected.
No one objected.

Alright, I guess I missed that. @eevee What happened to the bomb?

Filthy mechanics

Get off Hja for now


I am the Supreme Lord of Unvoting according to Waz so . . .
