[SFM] Luigi Mansion Town Win

Fixed that for you.

Was not a great reaction test imo when you said you had a passive that revealed three paasives and that you picked yourself as one of the three when you had just used your own passive.

Hey yall sorry about not being around much the past day and a half. I’m on for next couple hours, and I’m gonna read the thread to catch up

I claimed I had 2 passives.

yeah but knowing one would make you scum so… it wasnt the best reaction test


So reading through everything here is my current reads
Solic: good town discussion, trying to get people to talk, and actively picking apart everything that people say
Geyde: Pushing people, being a town leader. I see this is as his usual playstyle.
Maxwell: I genuinely believe his AtE with Isaac’s death and feel his remorse for something he didn’t actually cause (it was isaacs fault). Now his interactions with Ici in the begining were weird, but i really gutfeel this town
Wazza: The reaction test was dumb, but his plays trying to get info out of Isaac and Nerbins seems like towny Wazza even if it comes with a lot of unessescary language
Squid: See this as town squid when they started giving their reads early and with talking on who to give the bomb to instead of just doing it behind the scenes. Overall the post that really sold it to me was the one where she didn’t defend herself, its just feels to genuine to fake
Isaac: his flip said so
Maximusprime: no content @MaximusPrime plz come and play
Celeste: I don’t really remember anything they have done other than vote Wazza, and saying Ici was a whiteknight whatever that means
Eevee: Weird choice in friend, since they are the most voted person atm. Wants the bomb, other than that not much to read
Nerbins: Not much but we know he has passives
Soul: No content, and when someone pointed it out, they talked about pushing inactives being sometimes scummy
Ici: His interactions where he seemed to try and pocket Wazza, Isaac, Squid, and Maxwell. Then he pushes Solic in what feels like you point out my flaws Imma vote you. In that regard imma vote you sir
/vote Ici

Also /Befriend @Margaret. I dont got a buddy yet and you just liked my post so why not

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You could’ve just accepted my request but this works too

/accept DatBird’s

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wasn’t sure if that counted since it went to everyone

Wait, I am most voted?

Oh, Ici is most voted.

Yeah, shouldn’t of gone for Ici but tbh I didn’t know it anyway.

Tbh… I would of left Ici alone tho…

In neigborhood me/him it will be easy to figire out his aligment.




Avoid. This People.

I have been developing some more reads and will post them later tonight.

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Okay, I have to go to sleep really soon. Who should I give the bomb to?
BTW Eevee said he wanted it so if no one objects soon I’m gonna give it to him.

ok so i just finished my shit and got on, what’s happening

also sorry i couldn’t be on yesterday, dad was updating windows and holy crap it was too slow for me to do anything


i thought you could only get one

seems suspicious
/fos wazza
also idk why isaac got modkilled but the “bomb” does nothing now as no one can activate it?