[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Vote Count

Gotta Track 'em all

Voted Voters Votes
Silviu200530 WindwardAway 1/5
Min Appelsiini 1/5
WindwardAway ArcticXI 1/5
Not Voting Min, Gorta, Cheese, Kiro, Silviu, YouButWorse 6

Ah! I thought I answered it, my apologies Min^^ I think your reasoning is fair, but I’m going to stay on you for a while longer and see what happens.


Idk about this. If everyone votes someone for the same reasons more or less, I feel like it’s a pretty sound argument then? Of course if it’s scum leading the votebait then I just have really bad reasoning.

It was a figure of speech, though. I was never convinced that Silviu was a townie. I never said that I thought he was, and when I said “not 100% convinced” I meant less than 50% convinced, if that makes any difference.

But there’s actually something else I want to go back and reread, that I think I may have missed, so hang on for a moment.

Oh I see I was confused cuz I never saw a reply

That’s alright no worries

I think Arctic is making things bigger than they really are, by the way. So far Windward doesn’t give me any super wolfy pings, and seems more like a town who is trying to reconsider their approach after the validation they were looking for went away, so I’m confused by Arctic’s aggressiveness here.

I think Arctic is either

  1. Deep in the confbias
  2. RTing (reactiontesting)
  3. Powerwolfing (a wolf trying to take control of the thread)

Time will tell, I suppose~

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Honestly I’m gonna say I think Arctic is looking for me to give a reasonable defense for myself. I’m not sure if that reads townie or scum in this case, since my vote is still on Silviu and it looks like I’m the only one still voting him. But I have the reasons I gave, and I’m still keeping an eye on him.

That’s actually towny for newbies based on their tone

I should probably do a full readlist before things get too overwhelming, but I know from experience that I don’t give a crap if I am scumread by people. I would have to ISO them myself, but I won’t say it’s scum AI to just move on from a scumread

Why do you think town would do that?
Why do you think scum would do that?

Would you believe me if I said I had a secret toneread on you as a wolf

With that said, your tone seems very towny right now

Town would do that to hard push for information, i.e. looking for evidence that I’m not scum and that my reasoning is in line with the rest of the town. Essentially waiting for me to defend myself and see if they can bait others into jumping in quickly (the way you did with your scumread on Silviu where Min and I hopped on).

Scum would do it to frame someone else and convince the town that the person is genuinely scum to vote off, and also to shift the focus off themselves.

I think Arctic is hard pushing just to see if everything lines up. To me you went from a high to low sus but Arctic may be trying to squeeze a bit more info out of you.

See, the problem I’m having right now is telling whether someone has a newbie attitude or if they’re just faking innocence. Especially for people who do have prior experience in social deduction games, who know they shouldn’t provide a weak defense, that sort of behavior would make me suspect something’s up.

both of these seem to me like tools you are using to deliberately incorporate a degree of uncertainty in your statements, so if you are caught out you can simply backtrack and say that you meant something else or weren’t actually sure, thus removing sus when you are caught out

in a similar way to appel was describing min’s behaviour, in that he was sus of silviu but not voting to remain more passive, in a sense this is what you are doing by backtracking many things you have said and falling back on the ambiguity of your comments

Oh, well I use a lot of figures of speech lol. I can be more direct instead, I guess. I’m not backtracking on what I said. As I mentioned before, I never took my suspicion off of Silviu, and I still want to monitor his posts for more clues.

Hmm… I’m a bit puzzled by your wording. You described it as “looking for you to give a reasonable defense”, right? But that doesn’t line up with a wolf motive, now does it? Since wolves want to convince everyone else instead of trying to get something out of you.


But there can be wolfy town as well if they’re baiting to see who hops on the bandwagon the fastest and for what reasons. Or maybe that doesn’t count as wolfy behavior, idk…?

Well, then the scum knows you’re harder to frame. But I meant that the town is looking for you to give a reasonable defense. The scum doesn’t really want you to. If you’re hard confirmed town, then scum is just going to have to get rid of you during the night instead.

You’re pro?
Let me play however I want. The only way I know to play is to be weird
If it seems suspicious to me I vote and if not … no

It seems strange to me that cloned is not so active but it must be for work or something similar.

I would like everyone to make a table of people who think they are good and those who are possible mafia.

If you do not change your vote per minute I will have to vote for you and that is what will happen

edit: minute = min

Well, I wasn’t planning on sharing such a table so early on. Call me sus for saying that, but I’d rather not let scum see all of my thoughts; only some of them. The town has an advantage if they have more information, but if they reveal all of their thoughts I think it’s risky because 1. the scum are going to have a chance to rethink their strategy and 2. it makes certain townies vulnerable, particularly after D1 when they have valuable information that would expose them as confirmed town.