[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

Oh that happened with me but except the opposite.

So in the last game I was a town arsonist and the mafia went with the same kill as me, and people voted me.

@Mistyx I’m watching you

Now I wonder what that power role? I consider Arete thinks the gameplay before doing it but it doesn’t want it to be extremely easy.

So I’m thinking an investigative role.

Oof, that’s unfortunate.

I’m guessing with only 9 people, a role that reveals too much information would be pretty OP, though.


I think an investigative class could exist on its own without being a PR (power role) but again I have like zero idea what’s in this because it’s closed

It would be OP if it hits the mafia member in the first place. You can’t exactly provide an argument to defend a townie without appearing suspicious of being the power role.

Those investigatives don’t really have a change to reveal the entire mafia without getting themselves killed.

Oh I apologise I’m thinking this too fast.

I believe it would make sense if is an investigative role because there’s limited amount of nights, so investigating a mafia member is really uncommon.

It depends

This game works based on social deduction, so you are more likely to check on someone you found to be acting suspicious d1

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. So there probably aren’t many investigatives to begin with, or it would be too easy for the town to win. I don’t remember how many are in larger games, but I’d guess there are only 1-2 in this one…?

Um, I would like to remind you that there is only one power role in this entire game.

There can be non vt classes without it being a PR

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Oh, is it possible there aren’t any investigatives then?

power role doesn’t just mean a non VT role

Min said that there’s only a power role and it belongs to the town. Even if there was an investigative for the mafia what would be the point?

Non vt roles can exist without being power power roles are just roles that are more important and powerful

Think of prince from tol or jailor from tos

Yeah, not like it’s uncommon for the sheriff or pally to die once outed in ToL… Lol

(or converted, LOL. of course that’s not a mechanic here)