[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

I’ll look at your stuff, but keep in mind bussing is a thing

In my first wolf game you could read the thread and you still wouldn’t know my team was scum unless it was revealed who the wolves were.

We suspected each other so hard that game and if any of us flipped (non of us did because townplay on this site is poopy at times) it makes the other look so much better

the only thing i really need to do now is iso gorta
i could try iso’ing kiro but i already said i don’t understand 90% of his posts and he’s pretty much lockscum at this point anyway

windward is basically confirmed town since i doubt we would have 1 town PR and no investigative
plus even if they weren’t PR (well if they weren’t PR they would have been lynched D1 but that’s not the point lol), after D2 i have to say windward slowly went from the bottom of my list to the top alongside appel because of her attitude and appeal for most of this game (excluding D1 lol - but i really do think her lead on silviu was misguided and hopping on that train was a newbie mistake)

the issue is YBW is new, so i highly doubt he would do something like this with the confidence he has been

plus, what is the likelihood the mods chose 2 new players to be mafia

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It all depends on the player. There have been newbies who have been extremely good at this game.

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well you see that’s the issue

i don’t think YBW has been very ‘good’ (sorry)
after you, he has been acting the scummiest out of everyone

but i am lucky to know it’s very unlikely to be him because of the way he’s spoken about you and kiro

I asked Worst the same thing, but why could it not be you?

well you see that’s the issue

after we kill kiro today and then you kill wind at night i’m gonna have to defend myself

i was wondering why you didn’t start pushing me yet since you are going to have to at some point lol

I’m not pushing anyone in the Artic/Worst/Wind pool until tomorrow. I plan on using this day to gather info and make my push tomorrow.

nah ur right, ive been learning a lot this game

The reason i believed kiro’s PR claim (just for a bit) was because my thought process was, “wtf kind of scum would throw a ton of sus on themselves and claim doctor?” and then i thought it out more and it makes a bit of sense (even if I still think it was a misplay)

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That’s actually a very sensible read. (I can’t quote right now but I’m replying to it.)

Worse pushing his scum partner at this point would be extremely risky, and he’s pushed Kiro much more through the entire game than I ever have.

For that matter, Gorta is right and bussing is a thing, but bussing should not so much be a thing when the scum is close to winning. We have two scum still in the game and while pushing on each other is not out of the question, it’s also very risky, especially one of them essentially openwolfed during the night. As Worse pointed out, I didn’t give Kiro much of a chance to lie about his actions because I bluffed about tracking.

Also since Worse hasn’t been confident about his reads but has continuously scumread Kiro, I think that also helps his case.

I lol’ed at the “townplay on this site is poopy” though xD

I don’t think there’s any point in ISOing Kiro… You can give a read but I don’t honestly think ISOing him would be very productive partly because I don’t even think it would amount to much if I did it myself.

Also, yeah, if I’m totally wrong for essentially townclearing Arctic at this point I’m going to be very disappointed in myself.

You can check their ISO for spew


Hey @kiromishiro21, are you here? I’m assuming you’ve been quiet since you pretty much know you’re getting lynched today, but do you also have a readlist to show us?

BTW when are we planning on voting Kiro? It seems were gonna vote them no matter what they say, so are we gonna wait until end of day that was last day doesnt go into thanksgiving, or are we gonna vote earlier?

I want to re-evaluate the game and try to solve this thing before that

So I went ahead and ISO’d Kiro for the heck of it to see what I’d find, including his interpretation of what others have said.

Damn, I forgot what a strong scumread on both Kiro and Gorta Worse had here. If the scum team is Kiro/Gorta, then Worse deserves a lot more credit than I’ve given him.

[quote=“an_gorta_pratai, post:1502, topic:84748”]

I don’t quite think that y’all are both scum. Appel said that I wasn’t considering a world in which y’all could be scum together (and that it was reason for me having TMI?), but I don’t quite see it. The way I see it is that it’s likely Appel and Kiro.

Here’s an example of Kiro and Gorta both sort of sussing each other, but not really a hard push from either.

[quote=“kiromishiro21, post:1796, topic:84748”]

Kiro sussing Worse by kind of pairing him with Gorta, from what I can tell? And then it sounds like he softed Appel and Arctic as town. I never really understood why Kiro had a townread on Appel so easily, but I guess I should have considered it was because he was scum.

This was… kind of an interesting question?

He did proceed to throw sus at Gorta then, though.

This is the last readlist I’ve seen from Kiro, btw.

…I broke half the quotes in that post, RIP.