[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win

I mean, we weren’t going to lynch Cloned either way, so Kiro pushing on him was pretty pointless and I’d assume his co-scum would have to find someone else to push on and not just be passive about it.

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Not voting an_gorta_pratai, ArcticXI, Kiroshimiro, WindwardAway, YouButWorse 5

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Random thought: it would be funny if scum kept me alive tonight and killed Worse instead to force me to choose between Gorta and Arctic if they think I’m easier to manipulate…

since YBW has been very slippery i think gorta will find it easier to convince him

plus he needs to kill you anyway because you will probably track him

alternatively he’ll kill no one but i doubt that for the same reason

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actually scratch that last part, killing no one would be viable because it wouldn’t give wind any info and a mislynch in 3v1 would still allow him to win

either way i don’t think it changes the outcome much

I’m going to bed, but I will make my reads tomorrow

Scum can’t just not kill. If he doesn’t choose a target he will be forced to make a random kill.

ah yeah i forgot about that

in that case i think you dying is inevitable

Hello guys

Anyone want to ask me some questions?

I’ll tell you something revealing. I’m scum and you can kill me if you want to.
And it’s not gametrowing. I cannot give much information on why it is not.


how much longer is in this day?

If we don’t hammer, it’ll be until 2020-11-27T23:10:00Z if I understand correctly

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If we hammer Kiro, D3 will end today at the same time instead, and then the night phase will end tomorrow at that time.

Don’t worry, it wouldn’t be gamethrowing at this point since we all have you as lockscum lol.

BTW, this is just to confirm I said the right thing lol.

good, I can do my thing now

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probably just wants us to hammer so wind can’t discuss any more thoughts lol

not gonna happen buddy

It’s funny, I get the feeling that Gorta is stalling for time and Kiro is encouraging a hammer.

I am just lazy