[SFM] Newbie-Friendly Pokèmon 9er - Town Win


or can’t really ISO Arctic to frame him because there’s really nothing in his ISO that can be used to frame him?


just lazy

I always put stuff off till the last minute, that’s how I am as a person. It runs in my family

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I don’t need to frame anyone because I can explain why it’s Frost easily, just give me a bit


just like your vote on silviu
except saying you put that off would imply
you intended on doing it earlier
but clearly you only did so to get a free mislynch despite having them as your highest townread

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When I finish lunch I’ll be back

this is the exact reason I think gorta is pushing you, and not me.
I’ve acted so much scummier than you, but he knows im more gullible and easy to convince, so hes accusing you and trying to get me to side with him.
I won’t let it happen

you haven’t even seen why I think Artic is scummy. Their statements today have been very scummy and I will tell you why when I get back

do enlighten us

we’re all waiting in anticipation

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you’ve hardly mentioned me the entire game and when you did it was a townread

you could at least try to make it not look like a desperation push because, as some people like to put it, you are B O X E D I N


I mean I’ve already made up my mind Gorta, if you can somehow convince me otherwise, then do your best

looks like this is the sequel

My pokemon is very cute

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Lol Gorta, if you actually thought it was Arctic you should have started sussing him a lot earlier.

If the game ends and it turns out to be wind I’m gonna scream

btw just gonna do this now since Im not sure if I’ll be able to later
You guys dont have to hammer him yet, just making sure I dont fuck up and not vote

/vote Kiromishiro21



kiro replied to this with:

now we know kiro is mafia this just looks like him laughing at his teammate’s stupid move (lol)

it seems to me more like he was calling gorta an idiot here for voting silviu and making himself look more scummy rather than actually out of concern for silviu, because if i remember correctly kiro never did anything to stop silviu getting lynched

so he said be refuses to vote silviu even if it means he died, then he voted silviu saying it was because he would have died if he didn’t


i wish i pushed gorta more earlier tbh


this is interesting but gorta isn’t a noob here and realised distancing is necessary, especially at that point is was unlikely kiro was going to be lynched due to the 3 PR plan

this was gorta speaking to appel
the basis of all his pushes on appel were mainly defensive responses rather than genuine reads and this just seems like bullshit to me - scumreading someone because they are asking for your readlist again? bit of a stretch

earlier he was saying he townread appel D1 so how does this make any sense


Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Kiro YouButWorse 1/3
Not voting an_gorta_pratai, ArcticXI, Kiroshimiro, WindwardAway, 4

Votes are locked and cant be moved

day was extended pretty sure, right?